Crossbow - Daggers

Greatsword - Crossbow

Spear - Longbow

Spear - Dagger

Crossbow - Staff

Greatsword - Dagger

Longbow - Staff

Spear - Greatsword

Greatsword - Staff

Longbow - Dagger

Staff - Dagger

Spear - Staff

Sword & Shield - Greatsword

Sword & Shield - Spear

Sword and Shield - Dagger

Sword & Shield - Longbow

Sword and Shield - Wand


In Wayfinder you you can utilize what’s called imbuements in order to add additional mutators to expeditions. This guide outlines all Wayfinder mutator combinations. These mutators with enhance the expedition with special effects making it more difficult to complete. Mutating an expedition also modifies the various types of loot and NPC’s that you will encounter.

You can apply a single imbuement for a single mutation type or a combination of imbuements. A combined mutation type will enhance the difficulty even further. In order to apply multiple mutations you will first need to progress to a certain point within the main story. This will unlock the ability for your gloom dagger to apply 2 imbuements.

The information listed below is all of the Wayfinder mutator combinations and what they do.

All Wayfinder Mutator Combinations

Single Imbuement – Wayfinder Mutator Combinations

SolarHeatwaveUnder sweltering heat, enemy attacks cause you to burn. Beware of the heatwave that comes and goes, it will strengthen your foes
FloraToxicHome to Toxic Mushrooms that ooze pools of slime, break them to clear the path. Venomous foes will cause damage over time when they attack
GreedGreedPiles of gold may be found within but beware! The more gold you grab the more damage you take from your foes
ShadowGloomtouchedAll enemies have been empowered by the Gloom. At half health, they will enrage and grow larger, dealing more damage. When they die, they will explode in a deadly burst
ChaosTricksterA trickster hides within, and he will shower you will gifts while you visit

Double Imbuement – Wayfinder Mutator Combinations


Imbuement 1Imbuement 2MutatorDescription
SolarSolarSolar FlareWhen the heatwave comes, enemies are consumed by flame and the solar flares activate in a fiery swathe across the zone.
SolarFloraEruptionToxic vents periodically erupt from the ground, damaging nearby players
SolarGreedPhoenix EggsThe power of the phoenix imbues your foes. Destroy the eggs they drop on death, or the heatwave will resurrect them!
SolarShadowBlack FlameGloomtouched enemies are infused with flame. Their deaths have a chance to leave the ground permanently ablaze.
SolarChaosFirebombsThe chaotic trickster hides within, and he’s been playing with fire. His gifts will leave the floor too dangerous to play on for long.
Solar Combinations


Imbuement 1Imbuement 2MutatorDescription
FloraSolarEruptionToxic vents periodically erupt from the ground, damaging nearby players
FloraFloraOvergrowthEnemies leave a deadly pool of acid upon their death, which grows larger when standing in it. Careless steps will prove deadly
FloraGreedGreedPiles of gold may be found within, but beware! THe more gold you grab, the more damage you take from your foes
FloraShadowCorpsebloomEnemies are infected. Upon death a spore is generated that will seek players, and create a toxic mushroom.
FloraChaosChaos SporesMonsters are host to chaotic spores that grow wildly without a host. Contact with these spores causes temporary confusion.
Flora Combinations


Imbuement 1Imbuement 2MutatorDescription
GreedSolarPhoenix EggsThe power of the phoenix imbues your foes. Destroy the eggs they drop on death, or the heatwave will resurrect them!
GreedFloraGreedPiles of gold may be found within, but beware! THe more gold you grab, the more damage you take from your foes
GreedGreedMidasEnemies are encased in a shell of gold. Shatter them and collect it! But beware the penalties of greed.
GreedShadowGoldencacheDark treasures can be found within. Only the power of the gloom can release them.
GreedChaosGolden BombsThe trickerster’s Golden bombs afflict enemies with the Midas. Avoid the explosion or get afflicted with Greed.
Greed Combinations


Imbuement 1Imbuement 2MutatorDescription
ShadowSolarBlack FlameGloomtouched enemeis are infused with flame. Their deaths have a chance to leave the ground permantently ablaze.
ShadowFloraCorpsebloomEnemies are infected. Upon death a spore is generated that will seek players, and create a toxic mushroom.
ShadowGreedGoldencacheDark treasures can be found within. Only the power of the gloom can release them.
ShadowShadowGloomshroudGloom as infested this area. Activate and stand near the corrupted shrines to cleanse them, but beware: enemis will try to stop you.
ShadowChaosShadowspawnAll enemies are Gloomtouched, and their deaths will call forth something from the other side.
Shadow Combinations


Imbuement 1Imbuement 2MutatorDescription
ChaosSolarFirebombsThe chaotic trickster hides within, and he’s been playing with fire. His gifts will leave the floor too dangerous to play on for long.
ChaosFloraChaos SporesMonsters are host to chaotic spores that grow wildly without a host. Contact with these spores causes temporary confusion.
ChaosGreedGolden BombsThe trickster’s Golden bombs afflict enemies with the Midas. Avoid the explosion or get afflicted with Greed.
ChaosShadowShadowspawnAll enemies are Gloomtouched, and their deaths will call forth something from the other side.
ChaosChaosMayhemThe Trickster’s gone mad! His bombs could afflict you with anything.
Chaos Combinations