Crossbow - Daggers

Greatsword - Crossbow

Spear - Longbow

Spear - Dagger

Crossbow - Staff

Greatsword - Dagger

Longbow - Staff

Spear - Greatsword

Greatsword - Staff

Longbow - Dagger

Staff - Dagger

Spear - Staff

Sword & Shield - Greatsword

Sword & Shield - Spear

Sword and Shield - Dagger

Sword & Shield - Longbow

Sword and Shield - Wand

Welcome to our V Rising Abilities guide. Here, you will find all of the abilities types and abilities in V Rising and what they do.

V Rising Ability Types

Your abilities are grouped into five different groups in V Rising, and you obtain these abilities by killing bosses. These groups consist of Blood, Chaos, Frost, Illusion, and Unholy. You are free to mix and match abilities from these groups to obtain your two active abilities. This allows you to choose the abilities that best suit your playstyle.

The limit on the abilities comes in the form of ability type. There are three different ability types in V Rising. These consist of the following:

  • Basic – You can equip 2 basic abilities at a time. These can come from any combination of the five different groups. You will obtain many different varieties of basic abilities to choose from, including AoE abilities, single target abilities, CC abilities, buffs, and more.
  • Travel – Each of the ability groups has one travel ability. This ability will be used primarily for enhanced movement, but can also provide you with some buffs. You can only have one travel ability slotted at a time.
  • Ultimate – Your ultimate is a powerful ability, but has a very long cooldown. Each group has 2 different ultimate abilities you can obtain. You can only slot one ultimate ability at a time.
  • Passives – Passives are unlocked at the Alter of Stygian Awakening.

V Rising Blood Abilities

Blood abilities focus primarily on self-sustain with leech. When Leech is applied it will leech the life-force from your enemies for 5 seconds. Physical attacks will restore 10% of damage dealt to leeched enemies. Then, you will heal self for 3% of your maximum health when a target affected by leech perishes. The abilities in the blood tree consist of the following:

Basic Blood Abilities

Blood Rage – Heal nearby allies for 60% of your spell power, increase attack speed by 25% and movement speed by 15% for 4s. Inflicts Leech on nearby enemies.

Blood Rite – Block melee and projectile attacks for 1.5s. Blocking an attack triggers a wave of energy that pushes enemy away, dealing 100% magic damage and inflicting Leech. Turn immaterial for 1.2s when this effect triggers.

Blood Fountain – Summon a pillar of blood, healing allies for 50% of your spell power. The pillar erupts after 1.2s inflicting Leech and dealing 75% magic damage to enemies while healing allies for 75% of your spell power.

Shadowbolt – Launch a projectile that deals 170% magic damage and inflicts Leech.

Sanguine Coil – Launch a projectile that deals 75% magic damage, drains 30% health, and inflicts Leech. Heals ally hit for 120% and self for 30% of your spell power.

Travel Blood Ability

Veil of Blood – Dash towards input direction and elude nearby enemies for 2.2s.
Your next primary attack heals you for 5% of your maximum health and triggers a nova of blood that deals 20% magic damage, drains 20% health and inflicts Leech.

Ultimate Blood Abilities

Crimson Beam – Channel a beam of energy that deals 250% magic damage and inflict Leech to enemies hit while healing allies for 200% of your spell power per second for up to 3s. Each target hit heals self for 75% of your spell power.

Heart Strike – Dash forward and strike enemies in a line. Deals 150% magic damage and heals self for 150% of your spell power over 3.5s. A nova of blood erupts when the effect ends dealing 150% magic damage and
inflicting Leech to the victim and nearby enemies.

Blood Passive Abilities

TIER 1 – Blood Spray – Critical strikes leech 5% health and there is a 25% chance to spawn a Blood Orb when killing a target affected by Leech

TIER 2 – Hunger for Blood – Increases damage against V Bloods by 10%

TIER 3 – Sanguine Mastery – Boosts the effect of your current blood type by 8%.

V Rising Blood Ability

V Rising Chaos Abilities

Chaos abilities focus primarily on damage over time. The main Chaos abilitiy mechanic is Ignite. Ignite your enemies with chaos flames, dealing 50% magic damage over 5 seconds. Once Ignite perishes, it triggers an explosion that deals 50% magic damage when a target affected by Ignite perishes.

Basic Chaos Abilities

Aftershock – Smash the ground, causing a shockwave that erupts, dealing 125% magic damage in a line and inflicting Ignite.

Chaos Barrier – Block melee and projectile attacks in front of you for 2s. Blocking an attack launches a projectile towards the attacker dealing 50% damage, pushing the target towards you and inflicting Ignite. Recast during the effect to launch a chaos projectile The Projectile deals 40% additional damage per charge.

Chaos Volley – Launch 2 Chaos Bolts in a sequence that deals 110% magic damage and inflicts Ignite.

Power Surge – Boosts a target ally or self applying a fading haste that increases movement speed by 20%, attack speed by 20% and physical attacks inflict ignite for 3.5 seconds.

Void – Summon an orb that explodes at the target location, dealing 90% magic damage and inflicting Ignite and pull enemies towards the center.

Travel Chaos Abilities

Veil of Chaos – Dash towards input direction and elude nearby enemies for 2.2s. Your next primary attack heals you for 5% of your maximum health and inflicts Ignite. Your illusion explode, dealing 50% magic damage to nearby enemies and inflicting Ignite when the effect ends. Can be recasted to dash once more, triggering recast increases the cooldown by 1s.

Ultimate Chaos Abilities

Chaos Barrage – Launch 4 Chaos Orbs that deal 200% magic damage on direct hit, 100% magic damage to enemies in an area and inflicts ignite.

Merciless Charge – Charge forward and grab an enemy dealing 125% magic damage, and push them in front of you. Deals 125% magic area damage, inflicts Ignite and inflicts a Stun lasting 1.5s when reaching maximum range or when colliding with another enemy or object.

Chaos Passive Abilities

TIER 1 – Chaos Kindling – Ignite deals 20% increased damage and there is a 50% chance that Chaos Explosion ignites enemies hit.

TIER 2 – Turbulent Velocity – Gain 6% increased movement speed for 8 seconds when dealing damage to an enemy.

TIER 3 – Embrace Mayhem – Increases Ultimate cooldown recover rate by 15%.

V Rising Chaos Ability

V Rising Frost Abilities

The Frost abilities are focused on AoE and crowd control. All frost abilities are able to cause the “Chill” status effect. Chill slows your target’s movement speed by 15% for 5 seconds. Frost abilities can also apply Freeze. Freeze your enemies solid , making them unable to move or act. If the target is immune to freeze. this deals 25% magic damage and inclicts chill and staggers the target.

Basic Frost Abilities

Crystal Lance – Launch a projectile dealing 160% magic damage and inflicting Freeze lasting 4 s.

Frost Barrier – Block melee and projectile attackds in front of you for 2 seconds. Conjures up to 8 frost spikes dealing 60% magic damage and inflicitn Chill when the barrier is struck. Recast during the effect to conjure a cone of cold dealing 25% magical damage and inflicting chill.

Frost Bat – Launch a projectile that deals 100% magic damage. The projectile explodes upon impact, inflicting Chill on nearby enemies. Hitting a Chilled enemy Freezes it for 4s.

Ice Nova – Conjure a nova of ice at the target location dealing 140% magic damage. The nova radiates outward inflicting chill. Hitting a Chilled enemy Freezes it for 4 seconds.

Cold Snap – Block melee and projectile attacks for 1.5seconds. Blocking an attack triggers an ice nova that deals 50% magic damage and inflicts a 3 seconds freeze. Gain a shield absorbing up to 100% of your spell power for 6 seconds when this effect triggers.

Travel Frost Abiliites

Veil of Frost – Dash towards input direction, elude nearby enemies for 2.2s. Your next primary attack heals you for 5% of your maximum health, shields you for 100% of your spell power and inflicts chill.

Ultimate Frost Abilities

Arctic Leap – Leap into the air and strike down at target location, dealing 200% magic damage.
A nova of frost erupts from the impact location, Freezing any enemy hit for up to 6s, enemy vampires are Frozen for 2s.

Frozen Vortex – Conjure a frost storm that deals 100% magic damage and pulls enemies towards the center.
The storm rages on for 6s, dealing 480% magic damage and inflicting Chill on all enemies.

Frost Passive Abilities

Tier 1 – Chillweave – Shields applied on you absorb 10% additional damage and you gain 5% increased damage to Chilled and Frozen targets.

Tier 2 – Lingering Frost – 30% chance to apply Chill when Freeze is removed.

Tier 3 – Cold Soul – Killing a Frozen target or inflicting Freeze on an immune target triggers an ice nova dealing 25% damage and inflicting Chill

V Rising Frost Ability

V Rising Illusion Abilities

The illusion abilities are centered around summoning illusions. Illusion abilities can apply Weaken and Phantasm. Weaken reduces your target’s damage output by 15% for 5 seconds and gives you a 25% change to gain Phantasm whenever the weaken target perishes.

Phantasm reduces your spell cooldowns by 1% and grants a 2% chance to reset a cooldown on cast. This effect can stack up to 10 times and is removed once you successfully reset a cooldown on cast.

Basic Illusion Abilities

Spectral Wolf – Send out a Spectral wolf that bounces to a nearby enemy after each hit, up to 2 additional hits. Deals 125% magic damage on the first hit, subsequent hits deal 85% damage of the previous hit. Each hit inflicts Weaken and grants a stack of Phantasm.

Phantom Aegis – Apply a shield to target ally or self that shields the target for 200% of your spell power, inflicts Weaken on nearby enemies and grants Phantasm for each enemy hit. The shield lasts up to 2 seconds.

Mist Trance – Block melee and projectile attacks for up to 1.5s. Turn immaterial and teleport to
cursor location when an attack is blocked. Inflicts Weaken on nearby enemies when reappearing and grants Phantasm for each enemy hit.

Warith Spear – Dash backwards and launch a piercing projectile dealing 160% magic damage and inflicting Weaken. Each subsequent hit deals 75% magic damage of the previous hit and grants Phantasm.

Mosquito – Summon a spectral mosquito at target location that explodes after 1.7 seconds dealing 100% magic damage in an area, inflicting Weaken and fearing enemies for up to 1.5 seconds. Grants Phantasm for each enemy hit.

Travel Illusion Abilities

Veil of Illusion – Dash toward input direction and elude nearby enemies for 2.2s. Your next primary attack heals you for 5% of your maximum health and inflicts Weaken. Spawns an illusion that launches progectiles inflicint Weaken and granting Phantasm. Recast to return to your start position.

Ultimate Illusion Abilities

Wisp Dance – Summon three wisps that circle around you, dealing 60% magic damage , leeching 30% health and inflicint weaken to enemies and granting Phantasm. REcast to launch all three wisps as piercing projectiles dealing 100% magic damage, inflicting Weaken and granting Phantasm.

Spectral Guardian – Summon a Spectral Guardian that shields allies in an area for 125% of your spell power and inflicts Weaken on nearby enemies. The guardian attacks enemies with a mighty swing dealing 100% magic damage. The shield is reapplied every 1.5s and the guardian lasts for 7s.

Illusion Passive Abilities

Tier 1 – Spiritual Infusion – Deal 10% increased spell damage to Weakened enemies and increase the duration of Weaken by 1 second.

Tier 2 – Skinwalker – Increases movement speed while shapeshifted by 8%

Tier 3 – Flowing Sorcery – Increases spell cooldown recovery rate by 5& and there is a 25% chance to not consume Phantasm when triggering a cooldown reset.

V Rising Illusion Ability

V Rising Unholy Abilities

Your Unholy abilities revolve around debuffs. Many of the abilities in this group cause enemies to take more damage in the form of “Condemn“. It increases all damage dealt to them by 15% for 5 seconds. Summon an unholy warrior to fight by your side whenever a Condemned target perishes. This group also contains a few summon abilities.

Basic Unholy Abilities

Corrupted Skull – Launch a projectile that deals 80% magic damage, summons a skeleton and inflicts Condemn. The attack deals 40% bonus damage to enemies below 30% health.

Bone Explosion – Raise a bone pile from below that explodes at the target location dealing 140% magic damage in a area and inflicts Condemn.

Ward of the Damned – Block melee and projectile attacks in front of you for 2s. Absorbing an attack summons a skeleton, each consecutive attack absorbed has a 50% chance to summon an additional skeleton up to a maximum of 5. Enemy melee attackers are knocked back. Recast during the effect to launch a wave of energy dealing 25% magical damage and inflicting Condemn.

Death Knight – Summon a Death Knight at target location that attacks nearby enemies. Each swing deals 50% magic damage in an area and inflicts condemn. The Death Knight lasts for 6s.

Soulburn – Drain a life from up 3 nearby enemies dealing 70% magic damage, inflicting Condemn and Leeching 50% health. Cancels any attack the enemy performs, silencing them for 1.5 seconds.

Travel Unholy Abilities

Veil of Bones – Dash towards input direction and elude nearby enemies for 2.2s. Your next primary attack heals you for 5% of your maximum health, inflicts Condemn and summons a skeleton warrior.

Ultimate Unholy Abilities

Volatile Arachnid – Summon a giant spider that chases down your enemy and explodes when nearby dealing 250% magic damage, inflicting Condemn and spawning 3 spiderlings. Each spiderling explodes dealing 125% magic damage and inflicting Condmen.

Army of the Dead – Inflict Condemn on nearby enemies and summon an amry of 5 skeleton warriors and 3 skeleton mages around you. Skeletons last for up to 8 seconds.

Unholy Passive Abilities

Tier 1 – Arcane Animator – 15% chance to summon a Skeleton Mage when a Condemned target perishes and minions deal 10% bonus damage

Tier 2 – Soul Drinker – Reduces the cooldown of Feed by 2 seconds and there is a 20@ chance to summon a Skeleton Warrior when triggering bite.

Tier 3 – Dark Enchantment – Reduces damage taken by 20% when below 15% health.

V Rising Unholy Ability

V Rising Storm Abilities

Storm abilities are centered around the “static” mechanic. Static is a status effect that deals magical damage when a target is struck with a physical attack. This can also cause Chain lightning to trigger which can chain the Static effect to another target.

Basic Storm Abilities

Ball Lightning – Launch a Ball Lightning that lingers in place, periodically shocking a nearby enemy and inflicting Static. Deals up to 180% magic damage per target over 3s. Ball Lightning’s total damage cannot exceed 450% magic damage. Explodes after the duration dealing 50% magic damage in the area.

Cyclone – Conjure a cyclone that pierces enemies dealing 90% magic damage and inflicting Static. The Cyclone returns once it reaches max distance, circling back towards you and lingering for up to 8 seconds hitting any enemy it passes through.

Discharge – Block Melee and projectile attacks for up to 1.5s. Blocking an attack pulls the target towards you and grants one Storm Shield. Enemies triggering discharge in close vicinity are stunned for 0.8 Seconds. Storm Shields circle around you dealing 20% magic damage and inflicting Static. The effect can stack 3 times

Lightning Curtain – Summon a curtain of lightning that blocks projectiles for up to 2.5s. Inflicts static and periodically deals 25% magic damage to enemies that pass through the effect. Applies a fading haste increasing movement speed by 30% for 3s to allies that pass through.

Polarity Shift – Launch a projectile that deals 90% magic damage and inflicts Static. You and the other target swap locations on impact. If the target is immune to the effect you instead teleport to the target.

Travel Storm Abilities

Veil of Storm – Dash towards input direction and elude nearby enemies for 2.2s. Gain 20% increased attack speed for 4s. Your next primary attack heals you fo 5% of your maximum health and inflicts Static.

Ultimate Unholy Abilities

Lightning Typhoon – Spin around gaining a 100% fading haste and shock nearby enemies dealing 800% spell damage and inflicting static over 3.5s. Occasionally release sparks of lightning dealing 40% spell damage and inflicting Static.

Raging Tempest – Dash forward and bounce between nearby enemies striking them for a total of 525% mafic damage split across targets within the area over 3 s. Additionally strikes all enemies in the area up to 4 times dealing 40% magic damage and inflicting Static. Afterward, dash towards your aim direction. Attack to end this effect early.

Unholy Passive Abilities

Tier 1 – Lightning Fast Strikes – Increases primary attack speed by 5% and Static triggers deal 20% increased damage.

Tier 2 – Elemental Resistances – Increases all resistances by 10.

Tier 3 – Enhanced Conductivity – 50% chance that Chain lightning bounces one additional time.

Abilities in V Rising Conclusion

For a complete list of all the V Rising bosses and their rewards, including how to get the above abilities make sure to check out our Complete V Rising Boss List, Rewards, and Locations Guide.