Crossbow - Daggers

Greatsword - Crossbow

Spear - Longbow

Spear - Dagger

Crossbow - Staff

Greatsword - Dagger

Longbow - Staff

Spear - Greatsword

Greatsword - Staff

Longbow - Dagger

Staff - Dagger

Spear - Staff

Sword & Shield - Greatsword

Sword & Shield - Spear

Sword and Shield - Dagger

Sword & Shield - Longbow

Sword and Shield - Wand

The Spear is a weapon focused on its massive dive potential, backline disruption and strong combination Skills. Learn everything you need to know about Throne and Liberty’s 8th weapon addition in our Throne and Liberty Spear Guide.

Spear Active Skills

Active Skills in Throne and Liberty go on your skill bar and can be cast to affect both enemies and allies. Currently, there are 12 total Active Skills usable at one time. These 12 skill slots are shared between both of your weapons when making a build. As a result, choose wisely!

The Spear Active Skills are centered around damaging, crowd controlling and burning your opponents through a unique debuff, “Ignition”. While primarily being used for damage, the Spear boasts top tier mobility manipulation through the use of Skills and high Actions-Per-Minute gameplay.

Active SkillIconDescriptionSpecializations
Patient Block (DEFENSIVE SKILL)Defends against attacks. On defending against a Fury Attack while stationary, deals 370% of Base Damage + 208 to targets within Attack Range, and Patient Block changes to Whirling Ward for 3s. On defending against a Fury Attack within 0.5s, Critical Damage increases by 20% for 3s. Wrath attacks can’t be defended. Use with the directional buttons to defend against attacks while moving 4m in the designated direction for 0.5s. Upon defending against a Fury or Wrath Attack, Patient Block changes to Impaling Impact for 3s. Whirling Ward Evades ranged and magic projectiles for 2s and deals counterattack damage equal to 125% of Base Damage + 69 to targets within 4 times the Attack Range upon evading. Impaling Impact Deals 185% of Base Damage + 104 to the designated target and applies Weaken: Brand to them for 5s. Brand has the same effects as Brand Javelin.N/A
Javelin SurgeThrows a spear and deals 570% of Base Damage + 212 to hit targets. Damage increases by 15% for every 1m of distance between you and the target. Distance increases by up to 4.5 times the attack range proportional to charging time. Has a(n) 90% chance to apply a Brand for 5s. Skill Damage Boost increases by 82 when attacking a Branded target.Javelin Inferno (10): Throws a spear at the designated target to deal 216% of Base Damage + 26. Spreads up to 3 times to 2 random targets within a 5m radius. On Critical Hit, applies the Weaken: Ignite effect. Flame Javelin can only be used upon gaining the Ember effect. Ember is gained upon defeating an enemy with a spear after registering the Flame Javelin trait or upon dealing damage using the Explosive Fury skill. Ember stacks up to 5 times. 1 Ember stack is consumed on use.

Hamstring (7): Decreases Movement Speed by 50% for 5s.

Slaying Surge (3): Skill cooldown resets upon defeating an enemy with Brand Javelin or when a Branded target dies.
Culling ArcStabs with a spear 2 times. Each attack deals 190% of Base Damage + 53 and applies Weaken: Burst. At 5 Burst stacks, damage increases by 20%. Damage increases by 55% against monsters. Ability to use Spiral Slash afterwards. Spiral Slash Spin and attack the target and any targets within range 2 times. Each attack deals 190% of Base Damage + 53 and applies Weaken: Burst. At 5 stacks, damage increases by 20%. Damage increases by 55% against monsters. Burst lasts for 9s and each stack decreases All CC Resistances by 20. Stacks up to 5 times and does not reset after 5 stacks. The Weaken: Burst effect is the same for all skills.Flaming Arc (5): Stabs with a spear 2 times. Each attack deals 120% of Base Damage + 11. On Critical Hit, applies Weaken: Ignite. At 5 ignite stacks, damage increases by 20%. Damage increases by 55% against monsters. Ability to use Spiral Slash afterwards. Spiral Slash Spin and attack the target and targets within range 2 times. Each attack deals 120% of Base Damage + 11. On Critical Hit, applies Weaken: Ignite. At 5 Ignite stacks, damage increases by 20%. Damage increases by 55% against monsters. Ignite lasts for 9s and each stack deals 3.4% of Base Damage + 15. Stacks up to 10 times. Explodes at 10 stacks and deals 460% of Base Damage + 266 to enemies within a 3m radius. The Weaken: Ignite effect is the same for all skills.

Hastened Arc (7): Each time Culling Arc or Flaming Arc hits a target with 5 Burst stacks, skill cooldown decreases by 15%.

Damage Increase (5): Damage to targets with 5 stacks of Burst is increased by an additional 15%.

Critical Burst (3): Adds 1 Burst stack when Culling Arc lands as a Critical Hit.
Gale RushDashes toward the designated target and deals 120% of Base Damage and applies the Weaken: Burst effect. If the target is in Bound, Collision, Fear, Sleep, or Stun status or in the user’s Weaken status, you can use this skill up to 2 additional times within 3s. Attack Speed increases by 14% for 3s every time you dash, and stacks up to 3 times. Cannot be reused on the same target within 6s. Use Gale Rush on a party member to go to them, swing the spear, and deal 120% of Base Damage to enemies within range with a(n) 70% chance to Stun for 0.5s. If used on a party member, the Attack Speed Increase effect and additional use effect will not apply.Initiative Blitz (3): When using the first Gale Rush on a boss, immediately gain the maximum Attack Speed stacks.

Blitz Extension (5): Increases Attack Speed effect duration increases by 1.5s.

Remove CC Effect(s) (5): When Storm Blitz is used on party members, removes Stun, Sleep, Bound CC from party members.

Additional Blitz (5): Able to use the first Gale Rush 1 additional time regardless of the target’s conditions.
CataclysmDeals 270% of Base Damage + 84 to the designated target. Only deals damage to monsters. Has a(n) 80% chance to apply Weaken: Defense Skill Unavailable for 6s.Stunning Resolve (7): Changes to Wrath Attack. On targets using Static Defense, has a(n) 80% chance to apply Stun for 2s.

Wreck Havoc (5): Dashes to the designated target and deals 220% of Base Damage + 60. Only deals damage to monsters.80% chance to inflict Weaken: Defense Skill Unavailable for 4s.
Abyssal CleaveStrikes down with a spear in the target direction, dealing 150% of Base Damage to enemies within 2m range. 80% chance to Stun targets for 2.9s. Targets immune to Stun are Shocked for 7.5s.Ascending Cleave (5): Use while jumping to deal 150% of Base Damage to enemies within a 2m range. Has a 80% chance to apply Collision: Prone for 1.5s. Use while stationary for the same effect as Abyss Cleave.

Extended Staggering (5): Stun and Prone duration increases by 0.5s.

Critical Cleave (5): Increases Critical Hit Damage of next skill used within 5s by 500 and increases Critical Damage by 15%.
Unyielding SentinelAll CC Resistances increase by 410 for 6s. After 3s, increases Magic, Melee, and Ranged Heavy Attack Chance by 130 per target within a 8m radius for 3s. (Up to 5 targets.)Sentinel’s Bastion (5): Magic, Melee, and Ranged Heavy Attack Chance increases by 130 for party members within a 16m radius for 6s.

Distant Protection (3): Increases range by 4m.

Unyielding Shield (5): Use to gain a Shield equal to 4000 Health for 6s.
Bloodleech AuraCreates an area the size of the Basic Attack Range that follows you for 5s and deals 92% of Base Damage + 27 every second. Recovers Health equal to 20% of damage dealt.Frequent Bloodleech (5): Skill Cooldown decreases by 3s.

Bloodlust (3): Increases Health Recovered by 35%.
Rising SlashDashes toward the designated target and attacks 3 times. Each attack deals 160% of Base Damage + 67. Damage increases by 80% against monsters. Can be used 1 additional time within 6s. Upon using an additional time, the last hit explodes, dealing 22% more damage per Burst or Ignite on the target.Bursting Echo (5): Damage is applied to enemies within a 3m radius on Burst or Ignite explosion.

Distant Slash (3): Increases Attack Range by 40%.

Explosive Damage (5): Burst or Ignite Explosion Damage increases by 20% per stack.

Slaughtering Slash (7): Dashes toward a target to deal 120% of Base Damage + 16. Damage increases by 80% against monsters. Attacks 6 times in a row, splitting the attack if there is another target within 6m. Each attack deals 15% increased damage per stack of the user’s Burst or Ignite on the target and causes it to explode.
Death from AboveFlies towards the target then descends to deal 200% of Base Damage to targets within a 5m radius, with a(n) 75% chance to apply Fear for 4s. Decreasing Movement Speed by 60% for 4s. Cannot be targeted while in the air. Skill cannot be canceled using a Defense Skill while in the air.Tormentor’s Guise (5): Skill Damage Boost increases by 30 for 3s equal to the number of enemies affected by Fear. Stacks up to 5 times.

Additional Victims (5): Increase maximum targets by 5.

Fear Fall (7): Fear Chance increases by 15%.
Tempest StrikeSwings the spear while stationary to deal 150% of Base Damage to enemies within a 5m radius and apply Weaken: Burst. Has a(n) 80% chance to apply Push. The Pushed target is Stunned for 1s. If the Pushed target collides with a wall, they are Stunned for 2.8s. If Tempest Strike hits a target affected by Bind, Fear, Sleep, Stun or has a Brand applied by the user, has a(n) 80% chance to apply Collision: Push for 2.8s.Constricting Tempest (5): Connects a chain to the designated target for 3s. The chain reduces Magic, Melee, and Ranged Hit Chance by 300. Has a(n) 90% chance to apply Collision: Pull and Bind for 3s. The chain disappears if the target is away from you farther than 16m.

Lasting Storm (5): Bind, Prone, Stun Duration increase by 0.5s.

Directional Tempest (5): Use with the directional buttons to move 8m in the designated direction and cast.
Cyclonic FuryQuickly swings a spear while stationary to attack 5 times, dealing 175% of Base Damage + 45 to the target and enemies within 4m. Each attack applies Weaken: Burst. Damage increases by 80% against monsters.Phoenix Barrage (10): Stabs 10 times with twice the attack range and a 50 degree arc in the designated direction. Each attack deals 78% of Base Damage + 6. On Critical Hit, applies Weaken: Ignite. Damage increases by 80% against monsters.

Conditional Damage (3): Increases damage against enemies with Stun, Sleep, Bind, Collision, Shock, Oppress, or Fear effects by 20%.

Critical Aftermath (5): Increases Critical Damage by 15% for 3s.
Vicious FuryStabs the designated target 3 times consecutively, dealing 180% of Base Damage + 50 per strike to all targets within a 1.5m range. Damage increases by 40% against monsters. At 5 Burst stacks, this skill can be reused up to 2 additional times within 1s.Brutal Fury (10): Stabs the designated target 5 times consecutively, dealing 125% of Base Damage + 10 per strike to all targets within a 1.5m range. Damage increases by 40% against monsters. At 5 Burst stacks, this skill can be reused up to 2 additional times within 1s.

Explosive Fury (7): Swings a spear at a target and deals 250% of Base Damage + 20 to enemies within 2 times the attack range, with a width of 2m. On Critical Hit, applies Weaken: Ignite. Damage increases by 40% against monsters. Can be used up to 5 times consecutively. On dealing damage, gain the Ember effect.

Conditional Hit (5): Able to use additional Serial Strike or Brutal Strike when the designated target is in Bound, Collision, Fear, Oppressed, Shock, Sleep, or Stunned status.

Burst Bonus (5): Damage increased by 15% on targets with 5 Burst stacks.

Spear Passives

Along with your Active abilities, you will also have to choose 8 total Passives between your two weapons, when creating a build.

The Spear’s Passive skills are centered around increasing Attack Speed, CC Resistance, damage to low Health targets and more.

Imposing Form10% chance to increase Skill Damage Boost by 130 for 3s upon inflicting damage using a Spear, Greatsword, Staff, or Longbow skill.
Fatal PrecisionIncreases Attack Speed by 2.9% for 3s each time you apply Weaken. Stacks up to 5 times.
Mortal WrathOn landing a Critical Hit on a target with 30% Health or less, deals additional damage equal to 85% of Base Damage + 36. The skill can be activated up to 3 times per skill.
Death KnellIf a victim of the user’s Weaken dies within 10s, has a(n) 30% chance to increase Attack Speed by 34% for 6s. The percent chance to increase Attack Speed is reduced by 15% against monsters.
Malice SurgeOn taking Skill Damage, has a(n) 5% chance to increase Magic, Melee, and Ranged Heavy Attack Chance by 212 for 6s.
Nimble StepsUsing a skill that utilizes your location increases Collision and Bind CC Resistances by 120 for 3s. Stacks up to 3 times.
Retaliatory StrikeDealing damage 3 times with an active skill increases the Critical Hit Chance of the next Active Skill used within 6s by 820. Stacks only 1 time per skill.

Mastery Tree

Throne and Liberty Spear Guide mastery image


The Charge Tree focuses on defenses and cooldown speed utilizing the following nodes:

  • Ranged Defense +40
  • Magic Defense +40
  • Piercing Spear (Shield Block Penetration Chance +8%)
  • All Evasion +40
  • Cooldown Speed +2%
  • Unyielding Determination (All Endurances +105)
  • Max Health +420
  • Debuff Duration -6%
  • Steady Charge (Movement Speed +6.5%)


Destroy is a damage-focused tree, specifically around the Ignite mechanic:

  • Melee Critical Hit Chance +20
  • Mana Regen +14
  • Skillful Path (CC Chance +50)
  • Bonus Damage +4
  • Buff Duration +4%
  • Fiery Flames (Ignite Damage +10%)
  • Max Damage +12
  • Melee Hit Chance +60
  • Will of Annihilation (Skill Damage Boost +50)

Face Off

Face Off is the main PVP tree, with various bonuses that excel in player versus player:

  • Melee Hit Chance +20
  • Movement Speed +1.2%
  • Thorough Preparation (Cooldown Speed 3%)
  • Max Mana +280
  • Max Damage +8
  • Unshakable Mind (Skill Damage Resistance +80)
  • Mana Cost Efficiency +6%
  • Melee Critical Hit Chance +60
  • Ultimate Power (Attack Speed 6.5%)

Recommended Weapon Combinations

While the Spear can be used with almost any weapon in Throne and Liberty, some are far better in combination than others. Here is our highest recommendation for weapon combinations:

Sword and Shield

Sword and Shield is a fantastic Spartan-like pairing with the Spear. As a Tank, you have the flexibility to be a supportive Crowd Control machine OR a powerful damage dealing bruiser. Due to Death from Above, you also have fantastic dive potential. As a result, the Sword and Shield aids this playstyle by keeping you alive.


The fan-favorite Greatsword is another great choice for the Spear. The Gladiator build is a true skirmisher with a ton of mobility, plenty of CC and incredible damage in PVE and PVP.


Daggers pair decently with the Spear as an Assassin-style set-up. This type of combination excels at bursting clumps of players through the use of Javelin Inferno and high Critical Damage from the daggers. Lightning also plays a huge role.

Throne and Liberty Spear Guide Conclusion

That concludes our Throne and Liberty Spear Guide. For more information, be sure to check out our Throne and Liberty Home Page!