Crossbow - Daggers

Greatsword - Crossbow

Spear - Longbow

Spear - Dagger

Crossbow - Staff

Greatsword - Dagger

Longbow - Staff

Spear - Greatsword

Greatsword - Staff

Longbow - Dagger

Staff - Dagger

Spear - Staff

Sword & Shield - Greatsword

Sword & Shield - Spear

Sword and Shield - Dagger

Sword & Shield - Longbow

Sword and Shield - Wand


Welcome to our Spear Greatsword solo build guide. In this guide, we’ll go over our recommended way to set-up the Spear Greatsword weapon combination for Solo Farming. This set-up is primarily used in Abyss Dungeons in the Open World. The weapon combination forms the “Gladiator” Class.


Below is our Skill set-up for Solo PVE farming:

This combination of Skills allows for large mob pulls and plans to AoE everything down with either a combination of Explosive Fury and Javelin Inferno or Frost Cleaving and Ice Tornado.

Skill Specializations

With 100 total points to play with once you hit Level 50, below is our recommended Specializations for the Spear Greatsword Solo build:

These particular Specializations provides a comfortable set-up for farming mobs in large quantities. This allows for massive pulls as the Spear and Greatsword bring consistent AoE damage and decent clean-up damage. See our Skill Specializations guide for more information.

Weapon Mastery

This guide assumes you are at least in the range of 130+ Mastery Level. However, if you’re below this threshold, it’s not an issue. Simply spec into the mastery trees that provide the most damage/utility first.

Spear Mastery

Greatsword Mastery


Stats once you reach Tier 1 Epic gear can vary frequently due to stats built into gear. As a result, try to push for at least 50 Strength and 70 Dexterity with the stat distribution below – gear depending. Below is our recommended baseline Stat allocation:

  • Dexterity – 20 Points
  • Wisdom – 6 Points
  • Strength – 18 Points
  • Perception – 5 Points

Gear & Equipment

The gear loadout largely, if not entirely, stays the same across all content once you reach Tier 1 Epic. Our Tier 1 Epic set assumes that most of the base content has been unlocked with the Milestones completed.

Early on, make use of your Rare gear you acquired through MSQ. It is totally fine and expected to be in Rare gear for quite a long time – so don’t worry too much! Most of the time, your PVP gear is perfectly fine in PVE.

Archboss weapons are a bonus. However, you do not require them. As a result, do not worry too much about obtaining them!

Runes are set-up in the build to provide more Max Health, Boss Critical Hit Chance (For Elite spawns) and additional healing and defenses. As we’re gearing towards PVE, we do not have to worry about Hit Chance.

For progression gear and the basic 1-50, check out our leveling guide.

Tier 2 (T2) Talandre Gear

Tier 2 Gear is only obtainable from the Talandre Expansion patch onwards. The gear can reach level 12 and provides much stronger benefits than Tier 1 gear in Throne and Liberty. If you prefer PVE, this gear set-up is optimal as a Melee DPS.

We recommend not worrying too much about Archboss Accessories or Nebula Accessories as they’re very rare and expensive.


The Artifact System is another source of power for your build that provides stats, an Active and a Passive. We have crafted a general starting point for players to use and adapt to their liking below:


Guardians are a unique transformation on a 10 minute Cooldown that gives powerful bonuses to you for 30 seconds. Some Guardians work as an additional “Active” Skill, while others provide buffs. We recommend the following Guardians for Solo Farming:

  • Shade Revenant Stheno – Stheno is the most offense-heavy choice in PVE. This Guardian dishes out consistent damage dealing projectiles to multiple targets.

How to Play The Spear Greatsword Solo Build

Our Spear Greatsword Solo build guide not only aims to teach you how to put it together, but also how to play it.

The main objective of playing this build solo is to be able to manage multiple mobs alone and efficiently clear them. Fortunately, with a mix of melee Crowd Control plus AoE/cleave, clearing Abyss Dungeon mobs is straight forward. The standard approach to playing this weapon combination is to stack up Javelin ammo, pop your buffs and go crazy. Should there be any issues with Cooldowns or filler moments, you can use your Ice Tornado as a back-up.

Skill Rotations

The standard large pack pull rotation is as follows:

  • DaVinci’s Courage
  • Unyielding Sentinel
  • Devastating Smash
  • Explosive Fury x5
  • Frost Cleaving
  • Valiant Brawl
  • Phoenix Barrage
  • Javelin Inferno x5
  • Ice Tornado
  • Rising Slash
  • Guillotine Blade (Full Charge)

This rotation makes the most of stacking multiple targets together and blowing them all up. Sometimes, you’ll kill your targets before they even reach you. However, in Abyss Dungeons, the mobs are quite tanky. As a result, once they get into a clumped up pile, stack up your Javelin count with Explosive Fury, pop your buffs and use all your Javelin Inferno stacks. If any targets survive, you can weave in more Skills such as Phoenix Barrage, Valiant Brawl and Guillotine Blade.

Spear Greatsword Solo Build Guide Conclusion

This concludes our Spear Greatsword Solo build guide for Throne and Liberty. Consider checking out our PVE group and PVP guides for Spear Greatsword to expand your knowledge. For more Throne and Liberty information, see our main page.