Crossbow - Daggers

Greatsword - Crossbow

Spear - Longbow

Spear - Dagger

Crossbow - Staff

Greatsword - Dagger

Longbow - Staff

Spear - Greatsword

Greatsword - Staff

Longbow - Dagger

Staff - Dagger

Spear - Staff

Sword & Shield - Greatsword

Sword & Shield - Spear

Sword and Shield - Dagger

Sword & Shield - Longbow

Sword and Shield - Wand


Welcome to our Saurodoma Island night chests guide. Saurodoma Island is one of the many large open Abyss Dungeons Throne and Liberty has to offer. While some Abyss Dungeons hold spawns for World Bosses and sprawling underground networks, others hold other secrets.

Saurodoma Island is the only Abyss Dungeon that is a full island, rather than an actual underground dungeon. The area is very wide, open and comes with a lot of verticality. Similarly, Saurodoma Island becomes PVP-active during the night cycle of Throne and Liberty. However, unlike other dungeons, there is an incredibly tempting reward that appears during the night – Treasure Chests!

Saurodoma Night Chests

During the night period (that usually lasts 30 minutes of real-life time), chests spawn in various places around the island. The rewards you can obtain from the chests are quite unique, but also very beneficial to receive. An example of what you can loot from the chest is:

As seen above, the rewards are very good to any player that loots them. For example, looting 900 Dimensional Contract Tokens means you’ll be able to run 3 more Dimensional Dungeons (6- man party dungeons). As a result, this provides more chance for dungeon loot, general rewards and Boss Shards.

Due to how impactful these chest rewards can be, many guilds bring their team to fight for control of the chests. Once they find a chest, a standard system is to have each player “/roll” – the highest number gets to open the chest.

It is important to remember that during the night, the Island Waypoint is disabled.

Chest Spawn Timers

The Saurodoma Island Night chests have a few rules for spawning, the rules are:

  • 1 minute after night starts, 2 chests spawn at the same time randomly within the outside section of the Island.
  • Every 5 minutes there’s a small/medium/king sized set of chests after the first double chest spawn.
  • After the initial chest spawns, one chest spawns outside and one chest spawns inside the cave (2 chests every 5 minutes).
  • At 14~ minutes left the outside chests only spawns on the high ground areas.
  • First 15 minutes, the cave chests spawn at the entrance half of the cave.
  • Last 15 minutes, the cave chest spawn at the furthest sides of the cave (bottom-right half of the cave map).
saurodoma island night chest guide image 1

Chest Spawn Locations

There is well over 10 spawn locations when you combine the outside and cave sections of the map. However, we’ve set up a rough guideline of 10 pins you can expect to see chests at. Another good way to check for chests is to visually confirm them with their red pillar of light.

These are confirmed outside locations for the Saurodoma Island night chests. However, there is several random locations dotted between these markers where the chest may spawn. As a result, keep a look out between these locations. Each chest have around a 30 second timer in which a barrier protects them from being looted. This means as a team you have to reach and protect the chest until the barrier drops.

Some initial chests spawn on the main lower outside section of the Island.

Other chests spawn higher up, even closer to the docks which you start your journey on the Island from (or the Waypoint).

saurodoma island night chests guide geyser chest

Multiple wooden platforms up above the geyser hold potential medium or king-sized chest spawns – yielding the best possible loot.

The Pirate King’s Treasure Chest spawns commonly at the Tyrant’s Altar on the geyser high ground. Usually, this is the final chest of the night – so prepare to head this direction!

saurodoma island night chests guide king chest

The cave section of the Island is pretty straightforward, with very limited options for chests to spawn. As a result, if you keep in mind the spawning rules above, it is quite simple. The first half of the night, only explore the first part of the cave. If you are in the second half of the night, explore deeper into the cave.

Final Tips

  • If possible, attend these night time raids as a team or guild. Top guilds heavily contest these chests.
  • If you plan to solo or run a very small group for these chests, we recommend trying to sneak the cave chests inside.
  • Be very alert of your surroundings, there is many areas in this large island that you can be ambushed or pushed from. As a result, keep your eyes open at all times.
  • Remember that chests spawn both inside the cave and outside at the same time. If you’re a large enough team or uncontested, send a team to both parts of the island to secure maximum loot.
  • If you die, it’s a long swim back from Daybreak – ensure your Guild Leader or Advisor’s survival so they can summon gate you and any dead teammates back.

Saurodoma Island Night Chests Guide Conclusion

That concludes our Saurodoma Island Night Chests guide. For more information and ways to stay ahead of the curve, check out our Throne and Liberty main page.