Crossbow - Daggers

Greatsword - Crossbow

Spear - Longbow

Spear - Dagger

Crossbow - Staff

Greatsword - Dagger

Longbow - Staff

Spear - Greatsword

Greatsword - Staff

Longbow - Dagger

Staff - Dagger

Spear - Staff

Sword & Shield - Greatsword

Sword & Shield - Spear

Sword and Shield - Dagger

Sword & Shield - Longbow

Sword and Shield - Wand


Welcome to our Haunted Harvest Event guide. In Throne and Liberty, seasonal events are celebrated throughout the year. Halloween and the Haunted Harvest has landed in Solisium! In this guide, we’ll go through the ins and outs of the season event, the activities, rewards and more.

Event Villages

Each Village has transformed into a hub for the event. As a result, trick-or-treat at any of these villages to enjoy the event as much as possible. Various activities throughout the event rewards you with the event currency – Candy Corn. You’ll also receive them as a daily login bonus. In the villages, you can:

  • Greet (or spook) known characters in seasonal outfits around the villages to receive Candy Corn.
  • Attempt to find characters with hidden Haunted Harvest forms during the night. You can also transform into the Hallow-Knight Playful Morph to identify them during daytime for more Candy Corn.
  • If you locate all of the costumed characters, you’ll receive the Phantom’s Prank buff. This buff increases both Sollant and Experience gains.

Haunted Festivities & Food

Similarly to other seasonal events in Throne and Liberty, the Haunted Harvest brings its own unique flavor to the world. For example, unique Food Consumables, rewards for fishing and even event rewards for Amitoi Expeditions.

Catching certain event fish provides unique 15 minute buffs, for example:

  • Red, Blue and Yellow Gummy Fish provide increased Movement Speed and Attack Speed.
  • Pumpkin Taffy increases Boss Hit Chance, Damage against Undead and Demons and Damage Resistance against Undead and Demons.

Event Vendors

During the event, there is wandering Haunted Harvest Peddlers that roam the map and require a search with your fellow players. Here, you can purchase Dimension Pumpkins and other event-exclusive rewards.

In each major Village, there is a Dimension Pumpkin Event Merchant. Here, you can exchange Dimension Pumpkins for rewards.

Event Cooking

Buying and collecting specific event-only ingredients allows you to cook Haunted Harvest specialties. These buffs last 15 minutes:

  • Spooky Pumpkin Pie: Increased Mastery gain and increased Abyss Consumption Efficiency.
  • Choco-Spider Cookie: Increased Critical Hit Chance & Damage.
Haunted Harvest Event guide food img

Event Amitoi Expedition

During the event, you can send your Amitoi pals out on a spooky adventure for a chance to receive extra rewards:

  • Specific Amitois have an icon on their head to show their eligibility for a boost. This event-specific boost increases the chance of obtaining event rewards from Amitoi Expedition.
  • The potential for a Halloween-themed Amitoi, the Jack-o’-Lantern Izzy and Hexbound Figment. These Amitoi have an increased chance of obtaining special rewards enabled no matter the expedition.

Dungeon Boss Rewards

Defeating your favorite dungeon bosses during this event has a chance to drop additional cosmetics!

Shop Cosmetics

During the event, players have the opportunity to obtain Haunted Harvest cosmetics through the store (and some obtainable in-game!).


Weapon Skins

Event-only Dungeon

The event-only dungeon is called Nightmarish Pumpkin Patch. This dungeon is a fun exclusive dungeon themed around Halloween. Lets take a look at the dungeon in our Haunted Harvest Event guide and how to progress and complete it.

Haunted Harvest Event Guide dungeon img

It costs one Candy Corn per chest open.

Section 1: Pumpkin King’s Prison

The first objective in this Pumpkin monster-infested room is to find the Hidden Key in the Pumpkin. To do so, there is several Pumpkins you can interact with to search for the Key. Once the key is found, head to the door to unlock it and move on to the next section.

Haunted Harvest Event Guide room 1

Section 2: Find the Giant Pumpkin

In this room, you’ll be met with a Resurrection Gate immediately on entering. Use the Piton hook attached to the hovering Pumpkin or the Pumpkin Wagon to travel across to the next platform. Unlock the gate and proceed ahead to the Pumpkin Field.

Haunted Harvest Event Guide wagon 1

In this next room, you’ll need a player (preferably a tank) to pull aggro of the room while another player picks up a Pumpkin. The player has to bring this Pumpkin to the cart and deliver it. A third player needs to open the door to let the Pumpkin carrier through to the cart. This is to be repeated three times until the objective is complete. There is a couple of Pumpkins that spawn outside next to the cart too.

Haunted Harvest Event Guide pumpkin and door

Once the third Pumpkin is delivered, it’s time to hop into the Pumpkin wagon and go on a ride! While in the air, a couple of mobs appear in front of you attempting to fury attack the party. As a result, make sure to keep an eye on these mobs and perfect block them. There is another Resurrection Gate at the end of the ride.

Haunted Harvest Event Guide wagon 2 block

Section 3: Pumpkin Watchers

The next step is fairly simple, defeat 5 Pumpkin Watchman on the platform. After defeating them, the Pumpkin Watch Captain spawns, the first mini-boss of the Dungeon.

The boss starts with a couple of standard attacks before pulling the whole party in towards it. A fury attack that requires a perfect block happens right after this pull. Next, several lights appear around the boss along with some angry Pumpkins chasing players. Players can bait these Pumpkins into chasing them, however, you’ll be caged into a Pumpkin prison that teammates have to break for you.

Another quick mechanic has the Watch Captain bounce a Pumpkin off of a players head, putting burn DoTs onto them.

Finally, the boss uses a large fire attack in a cone in a single direction. Once the boss is defeated, you’ll unlock another Resurrection Gate – when you’re ready, proceed upstairs.

Section 4: Danger Zone Breakthrough

In this section, you’ll have the task of pushing through a series of corridors to reach your next objective. However, there is a Giant Pumpkin patrolling the corridors and some nasty traps. As soon as you step into the corridor, you’ll transform into a rolling Pumpkin Morph!

Through this section, try your best to be aware of, and avoid the damage traps laid across the ground. Little parts of the corridor have enough space for you to hide in for safety. Use these areas to prevent yourself from being ran over by the Giant Pumpkins.

Once you’re through the corridor, the final boss area awaits. Also, the fastest Pumpkin through the corridor gets a spotlight on them!

Dungeon Boss: Embergourd

The fight begins and the arena becomes sealed off by a red wall. This mechanic is similar to the World Boss, Cornelius.

After some standard attacks, Embergourd pulls the party in and creates a ring indicator. As a result, be ready to step out of this ring as it’ll deal damage to you. A second ring follows the first ring shortly after, it is best to move towards the boss to avoid this ring.

Embergourd then prepares a fury attack for you to perfect block, this is a ranged fury attack.

Jack also has the ability to launch some long range, cone-based fire attacks that leave a burning patch on the ground.

Phase 2

Under 50% HP, Embergourd creates a Pumpkin barrier around himself and begins the next mechanic. Three Jack-o’-Lanterns spawn around the boss, they can be hit by players. As a result, hit the Lanterns into Embergourd’s shield to break it and stun him.

Additionally, Embergourd creates a line of Giant Pumpkins that roll in a direction together. A couple of these Pumpkins show a highlight around them. If you see a lit Pumpkin, stand in front of it and let that Pumpkin hit you. The Pumpkin you selected transforms you into a Pumpkin.

After a few more walls of Pumpkin rollers complete, the boss charges up a high damage attack that severely hurts players that did not transform into a Pumpkin.

Phase 3

The final main mechanic phase from Embergourd sees him teleporting to the back of the arena, while pushing you and your party the opposite direction.

From here, you’re turned into insects, with an interactive Skill that lets you “Land”. You must land to avoid the flying bats from attacking you. Repeat this phase until it’s over. From here, finally burn the boss down to complete the Dungeon.

Dungeon Rewards

You can use Candy Corn to claim the reward chest at the end of the Dungeon. This chest confirms many event-exclusive items.

The rewards are the following:

Haunted Harvest Event Guide Conclusion

That concludes our complete guide to the Haunted Harvest Event guide. For more information on Throne and Liberty, such as seasonal event guides, builds and more. Check out our main page.