Welcome to our Greatsword Dagger DPS build for Throne and Liberty. This guide focuses on the PVP set-up for Greatsword Dagger and how to play it. The combination between these two weapons forms the “Ravager” Class.
Below are the Skills and Specializations we recommend for the Greatsword Dagger DPS Build in PVP. This includes Large Scale and Small Scale:
ALL PVP (PVP Boss, GVG, Castle Siege, Events, Arena)
The Greatsword Dagger set-up is pretty universal. The build is very flexible in changing a Skill here or there and tweaking Specializations to fix any situation/size of PVP.
With 100 total points to play with once you hit Level 50, below is our recommended Specializations for the Greatsword Dagger build for Large Scale PVP:
Every Specialization helps towards locking down targets and assassinating them, sometimes even clumps of players. For smaller scale PVP such as Arena, if you’re not versus a Longbow player, you can lean into Lightning specializations and remove more of the AoE/Cleave Specializations. As a result, you can run Thunderclouds Bombing and play a single-target burst variant of the build.
See our Skill Specializations guide for more information.
Weapon Mastery
This guide assumes you are at least in the range of 130+ Mastery Level. However, if you’re below this threshold, it’s not an issue. Simply spec into the mastery trees that provide the most damage/utility first.
Dagger Mastery
Greatsword Mastery
Stats once you reach Tier 1 Epic gear can vary frequently due to stats built into gear. As a result, try to push for at least Perception and 50 Strength while participating in PVP – gear depending. Below is our recommended baseline Stat allocation:
- Strength – 19 Points
- Dexterity – 8 Points
- Wisdom – 3 Points
- Perception – 19 Points
Gear & Equipment
The gear loadout largely, if not entirely, stays the same across all content once you reach Tier 1 Epic. Our Tier 1 Epic set assumes that most of the base content has been unlocked with the Milestones completed.
We also recommend picking up Morokai’s Greatblade of Corruption if you need more Hit in Tier 1. Finally, Tevent’s Warblade of Despair is the ultimate Greatsword to obtain. However, it is incredibly rare, as a result, do not expect to see it for quite some time. Tevent’s Fangs of Fury is the perfect partner to the Tevent Greatsword – this is the complete end-game for this class.
Tier 2 (T2) Talandre Gear
Tier 2 Gear is only obtainable from the Talandre Expansion patch onwards. The gear can reach level 12 and provides much stronger benefits than Tier 1 gear in Throne and Liberty. If you prefer PVP, this gear set-up is a great start as a Melee player to get the job done.
We recommend not worrying too much about Archboss Accessories or Nebula Accessories as they’re very rare and expensive.
The Artifact System is another source of power for your build that provides stats, an Active and a Passive. We have crafted a general starting point for players to use and adapt to their liking below:
Guardians are a unique transformation on a 10 minute Cooldown that gives powerful bonuses to you for 30 seconds. Some Guardians work as an additional “Active” Skill, while others provide buffs. We recommend the following Guardians for PVP:
- Pale Nemesis Hartach – Hartach is as close as you can get to a Tevent’s Massacre Blade-style effect. This Guardian requires a bit more knowledge and skill to pull off. However, if you can utilize it well, it doubles as a strong defensive and offensive Guardian.
- Lady Knight Kamarshea – This Guardian is a fantastic safety net, just incase you’re taking too much damage on an engage. You’ll also get a huge amount of Cooldown Speed too.
How to Play the Greatsword Dagger DPS Build
The Greatsword Dagger build is heavily focused around assassinating and diving in PvP and sports a “bruiser” gameplay style. The build plays off of a fully melee DPS set-up with high Health pool while dealing considerable amount of damage and Crowd Control.
For PVP, this build is used to deal damage through nuking single-targets and locking them down – or diving stacked players and causing considerable damage. The build facilitates picking off single-targets through the use of CC’s such as Shadow Strike and Stunning Blow. However, Devastating Smash opens up the possibility of locking down multiple targets instead.
The aim of the game with this build is to most play to find flank angles. This is to reach the enemy squishy targets (namely Wand players) and effectively shut them down. Sometimes, Shadow Strike alone is enough to shut down a Wand player from healing their team due to the Silence effect.
To effectively Assassinate enemy players, follow the rotation below:
- DaVinci’s Courage
- Shadow Strike
- Ascension Slash
- Guillotine Blade (Charged)
- Stunning Blow
- Death Blow
- Cleaving Moonlight
- Brutal Incision
There is several instances where you can use utility such as Camouflage to find your targets safely, or to escape after a successful rotation. Typically, if a target survives and begins to run away, Shadow Strike should be available again to chase. Additionally, you have Precision Dash to continue any chase required.
It is very important to remember the timing you have to land attacks during the stun and prone windows. It is very important to not waste any of your CC’s as it’ll ruin the flow of the combo and drop many benefits gained. The above rotation is more than enough to kill a single player.
AoE Rotation
If you’re diving an enemy backline in large scale PVP, open up with the following:
- Camouflage to look for the angle to get in
- DaVinci’s Courage
- Instantly cast Devastating Smash to jump in and AoE Stun
- Gaia Crash (Frost Cleaving)
- Cleaving Moonlight x1
- Guillotine Blade
- Cleaving moonlight x2
This is a quick and easy get in, drop AoEs and cleave and try to get out (if they do not die). If you can find a way into the fight without Camouflage – you can use it to disengage after. However, you’ll want to make use of the guaranteed Critical Hit from breaking stealth.
That Concludes our Greatsword Dagger DPS Build! For more Throne and Liberty content, news and guides, be sure to check out our Throne and Liberty Home Page