Crossbow - Daggers

Greatsword - Crossbow

Spear - Longbow

Spear - Dagger

Crossbow - Staff

Greatsword - Dagger

Longbow - Staff

Spear - Greatsword

Greatsword - Staff

Longbow - Dagger

Staff - Dagger

Spear - Staff

Sword & Shield - Greatsword

Sword & Shield - Spear

Sword and Shield - Dagger

Sword & Shield - Longbow

Sword and Shield - Wand


Gear Score is an important metric of character growth in Throne and LIberty. Learn how to increase your gear with Enhancement, Traits, and more in our Throne and Liberty Gear Score Guide

Increasing Your Gear Score in Throne and Liberty

Almost every form of Progression in Throne and Liberty increases your Gear Score. Gear Quality, Enchantings, Traits, and more all impact your Gear Score. Here is a quick look at the MOST important ways you can increase your gear score from MOST to LEAST.


METHODGear Score Increase
Weapon Quality Increase (Uncommon, Rare, Epic,)+ 40
Armor and Accessory Quality Increase (Epic to Epic Tier 2)+ 30
Armor and Accessory Quality Increase (Uncommon, Rare to Epic,)+20
Weapon Mastery, Weapon Traits, Trait Resonance, Weapon Quality Increase (Tier 1 to Tier 2 Epic)+10
Weapon Enchanting, +8
Armor and Accessory Enchanting+ 5 per level
Traits + 4 per Trait
Runes**+1 to 22
Skill Increases +2 per level

** Runes depend on Quality and Level.

Gear Quality

Gear Quality is one of Throne and Liberty’s most straightforward upgrade processes. Moving from Uncommon to Rare to Epic Items greatly boosts your gear score. Below is a complete guide on equipment impact on year gear score.


Weapon QualityTotal Gear Score Increase+/- from lower Tier
Uncommon 130N/A
Epic 210+40
Tier 2 Epic 220+10

Armor and Accessories

Armor QualityTotal Gear Score Increase+/- from lower Tier
Uncommon 40N/A
Epic 80+20
Tier 2 Epic 110+30

It is important to Note that when moving from a lower to higher quality item, you must also consider the Enchantment level of each item. Next, we’ll look at how Gear Enchanting can effect Gear Score.

Gear Enchanting

Enchanting Your Gear is the next step in increasing your gear score. Below is a breakdown of each

Item TypeGear Score increase from +1 Enchanting Level
Armor & Accessories4

Traits, Weapon Mastery, and Skills

Traits are increased stats that you can add to your gear. For a complete breakdown of Traits in Throne and Liberty check out our Triats Guide. Trait Resonance is a special Trait that you can add to your gear once you have maxed out all Traits on that piece.

You can upgrade your Skill in Throne and Liberty as well. This process will also increase your gear score.

MethodGear Score Increase
Weapon Trait10
Armor and Accessory Trait5
Resonance Trait10
Weapon Mastery 10
Skill Level2


Runes are gems-like items that can be applied to your Weapons and Accessories. Runes also affect your Gear score.

Rune Rarity Gear Score increase per Rune Slotted
Common Rune+1
Uncommon Rune+5
Rare Rune+10

Additional to Rune Rarity, is Rune Level. Runes start at level 1 and go all the way to Level 60. Each Rune level increases your score every by 1 every 5 levels. For Example a Level 60 Rare Rune will increase you gear score by 22 (10 Base + 12 for level 60).

Currently, the type of Rune (Attack, Defense, Support) does not affect the overall Gear Score. For a complete guide on Runes, check out our Rune Guide

Throne and Liberty Gear Score Conclusion

That concludes our Throne and Liberty Gear Score Guide. For more Throne and Liberty guides, check out our Home Page!