Crossbow - Daggers

Greatsword - Crossbow

Spear - Longbow

Spear - Dagger

Crossbow - Staff

Greatsword - Dagger

Longbow - Staff

Spear - Greatsword

Greatsword - Staff

Longbow - Dagger

Staff - Dagger

Spear - Staff

Sword & Shield - Greatsword

Sword & Shield - Spear

Sword and Shield - Dagger

Sword & Shield - Longbow

Sword and Shield - Wand


Welcome to our Crossbow Dagger DPS build for Throne and Liberty. This guide focuses on the PVP set-up for Crossbow Dagger and how to play it. These weapons combine to make the “Scorpion” Class.


Below are the Skills and Specializations we recommend for the Crossbow Dagger DPS Build in PVP. This includes Large Scale and Small Scale:

ALL PVP (PVP Boss, GVG, Castle Siege, Events, Arena)

The Crossbow Dagger set-up is pretty universal. The build is very flexible in changing a Skill here or there and tweaking Specializations to fix any situation/size of PVP.


With 100 total points to play with once you hit Level 50, below is our recommended Specializations for the Crossbow Dagger build for Large Scale PVP:

Every Specialization helps towards locking down targets and assassinating them, sometimes even clumps of players. For smaller scale PVP such as Arena, you can remove more of the AoE/Cleave Specializations.

See our Skill Specializations guide for more information.

Weapon Mastery

This guide assumes you are at least in the range of 130+ Mastery Level. However, if you’re below this threshold, it’s not an issue. Simply spec into the mastery trees that provide the most damage/utility first.

Crossbow Mastery

Dagger Mastery


Stats once you reach Tier 1 Epic gear can vary frequently due to stats built into gear. As a result, try to push for at least 50 Dexterity and 60 Perception while participating in PVP – gear depending. Below is our recommended baseline Stat allocation:

  • Dexterity – 19 Points
  • Perception – 20 Points
  • Strength – 10 Points

Gear & Equipment

The gear loadout largely, if not entirely, stays the same across all content once you reach Tier 1 Epic. Our Tier 1 Epic set assumes that most of the base content has been unlocked with the Milestones completed.

As an ideal end-game weapon set, we recommend obtaining Queen Bellandir’s Toxic Spine Throwers and Tevent’s Fangs of Fury. However, it is important to know it will take a very long time to obtain these weapons and they are not required to play this build to a good level.

Tier 2 (T2) Talandre Gear

Tier 2 Gear is only obtainable from the Talandre Expansion patch onwards. The gear can reach level 12 and provides much stronger benefits than Tier 1 gear in Throne and Liberty. If you prefer PVP, this gear set-up is optimal as a Ranged player to get the job done.

We recommend not worrying too much about Archboss Accessories or Nebula Accessories as they’re very rare and expensive.


The Artifact System is another source of power for your build that provides stats, an Active and a Passive. We have crafted a general starting point for players to use and adapt to their liking below:


Guardians are a unique transformation on a 10 minute Cooldown that gives powerful bonuses to you for 30 seconds. Some Guardians work as an additional “Active” Skill, while others provide buffs. We recommend the following Guardians for PVP:

  • Pale Nemesis Hartach – Hartach is as close as you can get to a Tevent’s Fangs of Fury-style effect. This Guardian requires a bit more knowledge and skill to pull off. However, if you can utilize it well, it doubles as a strong defensive and offensive Guardian.
  • Lady Knight Kamarshea – This Guardian is a fantastic safety net, just incase you’re taking too much damage on an engage. You’ll also get a huge amount of Cooldown Speed too.

How to Play the Crossbow Dagger DPS Build

The Crossbow Dagger build is heavily focused around assassinating and diving in PvP while picking off retreating stragglers. This build is a very powerful top-tier contender in PvP and is sometimes underestimated. As a result, there’s no better time to learn how to prove people wrong here!

AoE Engage

One of the most common things to do in large scale PVP is to “Spin to Win” dive bomb an enemy stack. To achieve this, attempt to do the following:

  • Mother Nature’s Protest Toggled on
  • Inject Venom (Lightning Infusion)
  • Stealth using Camouflage Cloak to look for a way into the enemy team undetected
  • Shadow Strike onto your perfect target
  • Use Phantom Smokescreen to protect yourself
  • Pop your “Spin to Win” Merciless Barrage (Annihilation Barrage Shot)

This combo alone can be enough to wipe entire teams if you’re left unchecked and they haven’t stacked Ranged Evasion too high for you to deal with. Phantom Smokescreen is vital to ensuring you don’t get burst down the moment you engage.

Single-target Burst

Crossbow Dagger is extremely capable of melting single-targets in PVP. A typical single-target rotation looks like the following guideline:

  • Inject Venom (Lightning Infusion)
  • Toggle Mother Nature’s Protest on
  • Mortal Mark
  • Quick Fire
  • Nimble Leap (Reset Quick Fire)
  • Quick Fire
  • Nimble Leap (Reset Quick Fire Again)
  • Quick Fire
  • Shadow Strike to lock down the target you’re stacking Thunderclouds on
  • Ankle Strike to Prone the target
  • Brutal Incision (Thunderclouds bombing) to pop your Thunderclouds stacks and execute the target

This single-target rotation seems like it’d take a long time to cast, however, the Crossbow Dagger is a class that is high on input volume. These Skills happen fairly quickly so the rotation is quicker and burst-heavy. Finally, if you’re versus any Bow build – consider avoiding the use of Lightning Infusion. We recommend this because Lightning Infusion is a “Weaken” that activates the Bow Passive “Devoted Shield”. Devoted Shield puts a defensive layer over the Bow player making them much harder to kill.


That Concludes our Crossbow Dagger DPS Build! For more Throne and Liberty content, news and guides, be sure to check out our Throne and Liberty Home Page.