Crossbow - Daggers

Greatsword - Crossbow

Spear - Longbow

Spear - Dagger

Crossbow - Staff

Greatsword - Dagger

Longbow - Staff

Spear - Greatsword

Greatsword - Staff

Longbow - Dagger

Staff - Dagger

Spear - Staff

Sword & Shield - Greatsword

Sword & Shield - Spear

Sword and Shield - Dagger

Sword & Shield - Longbow

Sword and Shield - Wand


Unlike most Descendants in the game, Hailey does not require any amorphous material to obtain. However, obtaining her is unique to other Descendants. You will need to farm 36 of each component in order to obtain her.

  • Researching Enhanced Cells requires 36 Enhanced Cell DNA.
  • Researching Stabilizer requires 36 Stabilizer Components.
  • Researching Spiral Catalyst requires 36 Spiral Catalyst Links.
  • Researching Hailey requires Enhanced Cells, Stabilizer, Spiral Catalyst, and 36 Data Chips.
How to Farm Hailey in the first descendant

Invasion Dungeons

Hailey’s Enhanced Cell DNA, Stabilizer Components, Spiral Catalyst Links, and Data Chips can be acquired by completing Invasion Dungeons. You have a 100% chance to acquire one of Hailey’s research materials upon completion of the invasion, with a chance of acquiring 12-20 research materials daily.

Invasion events occur daily in two hard mode dungeons, and can be cleared twice a day. In order to enter an invasion you must first complete all existing main quests. Then, accept the “Mysterious Phenomena” quest. Progress though the quests and complete the “Altered Design” quest to unlock the new progression system Inversion Reinforcement. Then, progress through the main quest “How to Hide the Truth” to unlock access to the invasion dungeons. Once this is done you’ll be able to see the option for the invasions at the Infiltrations Operations Terminal in Albion.

Alternatively, Hailey’s research materials can also be acquired by defeating monsters in hard infiltration operations. The infiltration operations missions listed in the table below are the most efficient to farm for each component. However, the faster, most efficient method is the farming invasion dungeons each day.

Any mission that requires Hard mode is highlighted in red and noted with a (H). The locations are listed by zone first and then the area within that zone.

Once you have the required materials you can make your way to Anais in Albion to craft your new Descendant.

You can see where to farm all of the other Descendants in the game by checking this guide!

How to Farm Hailey

MaterialDrop LocationAcquired FromAmount NeededDrop %
Hailey Enhanced CellsInvasion MissionsMissions Completion36100%
Hailey Enhanced Cells(H) Kingston
Magister Lab
Enemy Drop36TBA
Hailey Enhanced Cells(H) Kingston
Slumber Valley
Enemy Drop36TBA
Hailey StabilizerInvasion MissionsMissions Completion36100%
Hailey Stabilizer(H) Vespers
The Shelter
Enemy Drop36TBA
Hailey Stabilizer(H) Echo Swamp
The Chapel
Enemy Drop36TBA
Hailey Spiral CatalystInvasion MissionsMissions Completion36100%
Hailey Spiral Catalyst(H) Agna Desert
The Asylum
Enemy Drop36TBA
Hailey Spiral Catalyst(H) Agna Desert
Caligo Ossuary
Enemy Drop36TBA
Hailey Data ChipInvasion MissionsMissions Completion36100%
Hailey Data Chip(H) Hagios
The Haven
Enemy Drop36TBA
Hailey Data Chip(H) White-Night Gulch
Mystery’s End
Enemy Drop36TBA

You can see where to farm all of the other Descendants in the game by checking this guide!