Crossbow - Daggers

Greatsword - Crossbow

Spear - Longbow

Spear - Dagger

Crossbow - Staff

Greatsword - Dagger

Longbow - Staff

Spear - Greatsword

Greatsword - Staff

Longbow - Dagger

Staff - Dagger

Spear - Staff

Sword & Shield - Greatsword

Sword & Shield - Spear

Sword and Shield - Dagger

Sword & Shield - Longbow

Sword and Shield - Wand


Leveling up Descendants and weapons in the First Descendant is pivotal to your progression. Once you make your way through the main story and begin to acquire new Descendants you’re going to want to level them up for the increase in power for that Descendant, and for the Mastery Rank it will provide. The current maximum level in the game is 40. This guide will show you the best leveling locations in the First Descendant so you can quickly level up your Descendants for account progression.

Leveling Locations in The First Descendant

The most efficient spots for leveling both your weapons and Descendant simultaneously are the defense missions that you can unlock early in the game. These two defense locations include the Kingston and Echo Swamp Defend Albion resource Special Operations missions. Bear in mind that these locations do not drop Kuiper and other resources. There are rewards for completing the waves, but the primary reason for running these missions is the quick leveling.

Every zone has one special operation mission that unlocks after you have cleared all of the available areas and missions. However, the 2 most effective for quick leveling are located in Kingston and Echo Swamp.

Best Leveling Locations in The First Descendant

Both of these missions are “wave” based missions. There will be waves of enemies that try to attack a resource point. You will need to defend the resource point from getting destroyed from the enemies. There’s a total of 21 waves in both missions. After a set number of waves you’ll be able to extract from the mission. You can extract after wave 7, 10, 14, 18, and 21.

For efficient XP gains you will want to abort the mission after 7 waves. After this point you will get diminishing returns on your XP gain due to the difficulty of enemies increasing.

You will want to do these missions in a group for the fastest results. You will gain active XP for your descendant, and active XP for the weapon you are using. Any other weapon that you have equipped but didn’t use will still gain XP passively, just at a lower rate.

Also worth noting is that you can access both of these locations directly from Albion after you unlock them in their respective zone. You can do this by visiting the Yellow orb called the Special Operations Terminal located in Albion. This saves you a good amount of time from having to run to each mission start location.

Best Leveling Locations in The First Descendant


The Kingston special operations mission consists of level 8 Legion of Darkness monsters. This makes this mission great for low level Descendants, or if you haven’t reached higher level gear and want to level up another Descendant this is the place to go.

You can expect to level a Descendant or weapon from 1-40 in about 2.5 hours if you’re spamming this mission. Make sure leave after wave 7, and repeat for the most efficient XP gain.

best xp farm first descendant

After every extraction wave you’ll receive a reward from a pool of rewards. You can see what those rewards are by clicking on the mission from the special operations terminal in Albion.

best xp farm first descendant

Echo Swamp

The Echo Swamp mission contains level 41 Order of Truth enemies. This area also has a higher density of enemies compared to the Kingston location. Therefore, you will gain more XP per hour by farming this area versus Kingston. Once you have higher level weapons and can handle level 41 monsters easily, it’s recommended that you farm the Echo Swamp location over the Kingston mission for faster XP gain.

You can expect level a Descendant or weapon from 1-40 in roughly 2 hours of farming this mission.

best xp farm first descendant

Just like the Kingston defense mission, after every extraction wave you’ll receive a reward from a pool of rewards. You can see what those rewards are by clicking on the mission from the special operations terminal in Albion.


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