Lost Ark fans around the world were expecting September to be a good month. A promised beta test was set to take place in the Summer and release was just months away, promised for Fall 2021. However, things have taken a sudden turn for the worst. In a recent...
Lost Ark is on the way to the west and players are able to pre-purchase the game with Founders Packs. These were previously split into three tiers, silver, gold, and platinum, as well as seeing vastly different prices depending on the region. However, Smilegate have...
Lost Ark is fast approaching the West and many fans are still eager to find out the game’s 15th class. Be it a new Warrior, Martial Artist, or Mage. However, a new Lost Ark video showcasing Mages is, unfortunately, lacking Lost Ark’s Arcana and Sorceress. Lost Ark...
Lost Ark’s western release is fast approaching as we all eagerly await the Fall launch for Europe and North America. While we wait, there are a ton of creators, communities, and fans making our lives just that much better by providing us with a place to take in and...
Fans of Lost Ark are very eagerly awaiting the launch of the upcoming MMO and while there’s no update in terms of a release date, or even a date for the Lost Ark beta (sadly), we have gotten an extra bit of info about the testing periods. We’ve already had one...