Crossbow - Daggers

Greatsword - Crossbow

Spear - Longbow

Spear - Dagger

Crossbow - Staff

Greatsword - Dagger

Longbow - Staff

Spear - Greatsword

Greatsword - Staff

Longbow - Dagger

Staff - Dagger

Spear - Staff

Sword & Shield - Greatsword

Sword & Shield - Spear

Sword and Shield - Dagger

Sword & Shield - Longbow

Sword and Shield - Wand

Lost Ark Knowledge Transfer Basics

Lost Ark Knowledge Transfer Basics

One of the major features of Lost Ark is the Knowledge Transfer system. But, what is it exactly? Let’s take a look at one of the biggest quality of life feature in the game and how it will save you hours on leveling alts.  Lost Ark Knowledge Transfer Basics...
Lost Ark Card System Guide

Lost Ark Card System Guide

One of the many things that make Lost Ark an amazing game is its depth. There are a ton of small little things that you can spend your time doing. One of these is building your card deck to give your character a touch of extra power. Find out how these work in our...