Greetings Heroes to this Lost Ark Collectibles guide that will teach you everything you need to know about collectibles. Here we will break down the 6 different collectibles that are in Lost Ark and explain why you should collect these collectibles. What Are Lost Ark...
Welcome Heroes of Arkesia to this Lost Ark Sea Bounties Guide. Where we will guide you through everything you need to know about the Sea Bounties Collectibles. Such as, where you can find them and the rewards you will earn for finding them all. Lost Ark Sea Bounties...
Greetings and welcome to our Lost Ark Mokoko Seeds guide. Where we will go over everything you will need to know about Mokoko Seed hunting and the rewards for obtaining these seeds. What are Lost Ark Mokoko Seeds If you are not already familiar, Mokoko Seeds are a one...
A Lost Ark Ignea Token is a reward for achieving 100% Adventure Tome completion in a particular region. The Token’s relic in game description reads: “A token awarded to the most diligent adventurers who completed their Adventurer Tomes.” It has the...
Lost Ark Masterpieces Lost Ark Masterpieces are collectible items in the game. An ancient artwork stolen from the artistic city of Pleccia long ago. Players can find Masterpieces scattered worldwide, and can obtain them by doing quests, Secret Map Dungeons,...