Crossbow - Daggers

Greatsword - Crossbow

Spear - Longbow

Spear - Dagger

Crossbow - Staff

Greatsword - Dagger

Longbow - Staff

Spear - Greatsword

Greatsword - Staff

Longbow - Dagger

Staff - Dagger

Spear - Staff

Sword & Shield - Greatsword

Sword & Shield - Spear

Sword and Shield - Dagger

Sword & Shield - Longbow

Sword and Shield - Wand


Outpost Rush is an instanced, 20v20, PvPvE Mode in New World Aeternum. Each team must coordinate and balance their time defeating enemy players, capturing objectives, gathering resources, and building up their outposts. You must be level 60 in order to participate in Outpost Rush.

How to Play Outpost Rush

In order to queue up for Outpost Rush, you must first reach level 60. Queue up anywhere in the world by pressing ESC and choosing game modes, and selecting Outpost Rush. You can also queue up at any settlement, outpost, your Faction Vendor, or Outpost Rush NPC. You can queue solo or in a group of up to 5 players. As long as there are 32 players that join the queue you’ll be able to start. Once started you’ll be ported to the island of Nauthynos to start the battle. 

Once you’re on the island, each team will start at its own fortress. Between the two forts lie the three outposts of Luna, Sol, and Astra. Each of the outposts can be captured by standing inside the capture point located in the center of the outpost. Your team will gain points for holding the outposts and killing enemy players. 

Holding an outpost will grant 1 point every 3 seconds and killing a player is worth 1 point per kill. You will also drop resources on death that the enemy team can pick up if you have collected them. The first team to reach 1000 points wins the match. 

Outpost Rush Rewards

Rewards for Outpost Rush include an Outpost Rush reward cache. This cache has various items, including 2 pieces of Outpost Rush-specific armor and an Outpost Rush-specific weapon. There is an additional 15% for a 4th item. This item could be a piece of Outpost Rush Jewelry, and there’s a 2.5% of an Outpost Rush named item.

You will receive the cache whether you win or lose the match. You will also receive coin and Azoth for completing a match. The amount of coin and Azoth you receive is based on the outcome of the match. The winning team will receive more coins and Azoth.

Along with the Outpost Rush Cache, you will also receive 1 Ruby Gypsum for the first 2 Outpost Rush matches you play each day. Players are also rewarded with faction tokens, faction reputation, and PvP reward track experience and salt upon completion of an Outpost Rush match. 

It’s important to note that you must earn a minimum of 501 points in the match in order to receive the rewards. You will need to earn 3000 points for the Maximum rewards.


There are several objectives located around the map that will give your team an advantage and help you win the match. 

Baroness Hain

Baroness Hain (The Frozen Ghost) is a powerful creature that spawns every 10 minutes. The team that deals the killing blow to the Baroness will be rewarded with a strong buff that increases their health regeneration and defense for the next 2.5 minutes. It will also freeze the enemy score, preventing them from gaining points from outposts or kills for 2.5 minutes. Winning the Baroness objective can quickly turn the tide of an Outpost Rush match. 

The Corrupted Portal

The Corrupted Portal is guarded by corrupted creatures. Your team can make their way through the corrupted enemies and close the breach to receive a brute. The brute can then be summoned at one of the summoning totems at the forts to fight for you team.

This event is on a recurring 5 minute timer.

Summoning Circles

The player who obtained the summoning totem can make their way to a Summoning Circle to use the totem. The Summoning Circles are located by the entrances of each fort. They are stone platforms that allow any player who has acquired the totem to summon a monstrous ally who will defend that location from enemy players. Summoning totems are lootable upon player death. 

Resources Objectives

As you explore the island of Nauthynos you’ll be able to gather resources to help your team win the match. These resources are used to reinforce your outposts, so they are an integral part of winning an Outpost Rush match. There are 4 resources that your team will want to gather (See above for the locations)

  • Infused Hide: Wolf Dens are home to several wolves, including a massive Alpha Wolf which will provide a large amount of Infused Hide. Infused Hide can be used, along with other resources (see below) to reinforce your outpost. 
  • Infused Wood: Ancient Groves are areas that have a high concentration of Infused Trees. These areas are protected by aggressive Dryads that you’ll have to kill in order to access the resource. 
  • Infused Ore: Infused Ore Mines are the only place you’ll be able to find and mine infused ore veins. The mines are overrun with the corrupted, including corrupted ogres Ug and Dug who guard the largest vein of infused ore. If you kill Ug or Dug it will provide you with a burst of Azoth and a Wraith Summoning Totem. 
  • Azoth Essence: Any non-player enemy that you kill will drop Azoth Essence. This essence can be used at the corrupted portal to obtain a summoning totem. 

You will drop half of your resources upon death.

Outpost Upgrades

Once an outpost has been captured a team can gather the resources above to build and upgrade various structures. All of the structures can be destroyed by the enemy so it’s important to keep them well repaired. 

  • Gates will stop the enemy from entering the outpost and can be upgraded twice, making them stronger with each upgrade.
  • Protection Wards prevent the capture of an outpost and provide a respawn location for the team that owns that outpost. 
  • Turret Emplacements are found at each fort along with the outposts Astra and Luna. These locations have an external turret emplacement that may be used to assault and defend the outposts. These turrets must be constructed by the team that controls the outpost or fort that they are linked to. 
  • A Command Post can be built that will provide your team with increased damage and armor. Your Command Post can be upgraded, making it stronger with each upgrade and increasing the buffs.  The upgrades to the command post provide the following buffs per upgrade:
    • Damage +5%/+7.5%/+15% 
    • Defense +3%/+6%/+9%.


At each Outpost, there are structures in place by default that can be utilized by the controlling team. 

  • An Armory will allow players to spend Azoth (acquired by defeating mobs and participating in PvE activities in Outpost Rush) to purchase potions, powder kegs, ammo, Ursine Summoning Totems (used to summon a bear ally), and food buffs. These Armories are in all forts and each team spawn
  • Storage Sheds will allow players to add infused materials and Azoth to be shared with their team. If you can’t build something you can donate to the shed so the enemy team can not get your resources if they kill you. 

Outpost Rush Lore

The Nauthynos Island lies off the coast along the remote and inaccessible northwestern shoreline of Aeternum. The Island was formed by a massive eruption of Azoth from underneath the bedrock of the ancient sea.

Over the millennia, the eruption deposited rich resources from the seabed across the island and created an isolated tropical paradise. Not only that, but the source of the eruption, an Azoth leyline permeated the ground of the island causing natural flowing geysers of pure Azoth. Over the years these geysers have subsided, but the legacy remains – pure Azoth often surges to the surface and can be found infused in many of the long-term flora and fauna of the island.

Ancient Ziggurats

To capture this Azoth, the Ancients built a cluster of Ziggurats and ancient machines designed to collect the sacred substance which was then channeled into a series of storage facilities hidden amid the jungle and cliff walls of the island. To protect their vast stores of Azoth, the Ancients installed defensive fortifications and mystical traps which can twist the very laws of nature. As dangerous as the island may be, both the resources and technologies it contains would be of unparalleled strategic value to any who could maintain control of them.

Over the years, some have sought to settle in this region to take advantage of its resources long-term, but occasionally, unpredictably, the island is inexplicably flooded by a surge of water from the surrounding sea. The Ancient structures are built in such a way as to withstand the floods, but long-term human fortifications are not, hence any man-made structures currently on the island are temporary, at best. Amidst the ruins of the island stalk many dangers, the Angry Earth, the Corrupted, and natural beasts have grown larger and more feral, as well as those who had come to rule and conquer but now walk the land as vengeful spirits. Into this landscape, a new generation has come; seeking treasure, knowledge of the unknown, and the power of Azoth.

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