Crossbow - Daggers

Greatsword - Crossbow

Spear - Longbow

Spear - Dagger

Crossbow - Staff

Greatsword - Dagger

Longbow - Staff

Spear - Greatsword

Greatsword - Staff

Longbow - Dagger

Staff - Dagger

Spear - Staff

Sword & Shield - Greatsword

Sword & Shield - Spear

Sword and Shield - Dagger

Sword & Shield - Longbow

Sword and Shield - Wand

All of the perks in New World are categorized using perk labels. This guide will cover all of the New World Weapon Perks and Perk Labels!

Most perks have 1 perk label, but a few have 2 perk labels. When crafting an item in New World you can not roll multiple perks within the same perk label. For example, if you roll Rogue in the “Damage Con” perk label you can not also have the Thwarting Strikes perk within the “Damage Con” perk label on the same weapon. 

You could however roll an item that has something within the “Proc” perk label and within the “Accuracy” perk label. For example, you could roll Vorpal and Keenly Empowered on the same weapon. This rule applies to the 2nd perk label as well. For example, you can not roll an item that has both Vorpal and Viscous perks on it. 

There are also certain weapons that can not have certain perks rolled on them via crafting. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule with named items that are dropped. 

Below is a chart of all the weapon skill perks and their associated perk labels within New World (You can use “CTL + F” to search for applicable perks and perk labels).

Weapon Perks and Perk Label Charts

Perk Label2nd Perk LabelPerk NameWeapon
AccuracyAccuracyBow, Musket, Blunderbuss
AccuracyCrit HeadshotVorpalBow, Musket, Blunderbuss
Blocking SturdyRapier, Spear, War Hammer, Hatchet, Great Axe
Blocking Sure FootingSword, Rapier, Spear, War Hammer, Hatchet, Great Axe
Blocking (PVP ONLY)Fractured RendSword, Rapier, Spear, War Hammer, Hatchet, Great Axe
CriticalKeenAll Weapons
Damage ConCrit HeadshotViciousAll Weapons
Damage ConEnchantedAll Weapons
Damage ConRogueSword, Rapier, Spear, War Hammer, Hatchet, Great Axe
Damage ConRuinousAll Weapons
Damage ConBlessedLife Staff, Void Gaunlet
Damage ConThwarting CounterSword, Rapier, Spear, War Hammer, Hatchet, Great Axe
Damage ConThwarting StrikesSword, Rapier, Spear, War Hammer, Hatchet, Great Axe
Damage ConTrenchant StrikesSword, Rapier, Spear, War Hammer, Hatchet, Great Axe
Damage ConTrenchant CritsSword, Rapier, Spear, War Hammer, Hatchet, Great Axe
Damage ConTrenchant RendSword, Rapier, Spear, War Hammer, Hatchet, Great Axe
Damage ConTrenchant RecoverySword, Rapier, Spear, War Hammer, Hatchet, Great Axe
Damage Con (PVP ONLY)Alacritous PunishmentAll Weapons
Damage Con (PVP ONLY)Penetrating HeadshotBow, Musket, Blunderbuss
Damage Con (PVP ONLY)Penetrating BackstabSword, Rapier, Spear, Hatchet
Dmg CategoryAncient BaneAll Weapons
Dmg CategoryAngry Earth BaneAll Weapons
Dmg CategoryBeast BaneAll Weapons
Dmg CategoryCorrupted BaneAll Weapons
Dmg CategoryLost BaneAll Weapons
Dmg CategoryHuman BaneAll Weapons
On KillMortal LifestealAll Weapons
On KillMortal SiphoningAll Weapons
On KillMortal EnergyAll Weapons
On KillMortal FortificationAll Weapons
On KillMortal PowerAll Weapons
On KillMortal RefreshmentAll Weapons
ProcRefreshing MoveAll Weapons (Except Blunderbuss)
ProcLifestealingAll Weapons
ProcKeenly JaggedAll Weapons (EXCEPT Life Staff)
ProcKeenly FortifiedAll Weapons
ProcKeenly EmpoweredAll Weapons
ProcKeen SpeedAll Weapons
ProcSiphoning BlowAll Weapons (except Blunderbuss)
ProcPlagued CritsAll Weapons
ProcPlagued StrikesSword, Rapier, Spear, War Hammer, Hatchet, Great Axe
ElementalFireShirking FlamesAll Weapons
ElementalNatureShirking NatureAll Weapons
ElementalIceShirking FrostAll Weapons
ElementalLightningShirking LightningAll Weapons
ElementalVoidShirking AbyssAll Weapons
ElementalArcaneShirking ArcaneAll Weapons
ElementalFlame AttunementAll Weapons
ElementalFrost AttunementAll Weapons
ElementalArboreal AttunementAll Weapons
ElementalAbyssal AttunementAll Weapons
ElementalArcaneChain ArcaneSword, Rapier, Fire Staff, Spear, Bow, War Hammer, Musket, Hatchet, Great Axe, Blunderbuss
ElementalVoidChain VoidSword, Rapier, Fire Staff, Spear, Bow, War Hammer, Musket, Hatchet, Great Axe, Blunderbuss
ElementalIceChain IceSword, Rapier, Fire Staff, Spear, Bow, War Hammer, Musket, Hatchet, Great Axe, Blunderbuss
ElementalNatureChain NatureSword, Rapier, Fire Staff, Spear, Bow, War Hammer, Musket, Hatchet, Great Axe, Blunderbuss
ElementalFireChain FireSword, Rapier, Fire Staff, Spear, Bow, War Hammer, Musket, Hatchet, Great Axe, Blunderbuss
ElementalLightningChain LightningSword, Rapier, Fire Staff, Spear, Bow, War Hammer, Musket, Hatchet, Great Axe, Blunderbuss
Proc (PVP ONLY)Exhausted Exploitation All Weapons
Proc (PVP ONLY)Purifying CritSword, Rapier, Spear, War Hammer, Hatchet, Great Axe
ThreatHatedAll Weapons
ThreatKindAll Weapons

Skill Perks

Also worth noting are the “Skill” perk labels toward the bottom. These are the perks for each weapon type. You can only roll a weapon-specific perk on that particular weapon. It’s worth pointing out that while crafting gear the skill perks can also be utilized on armor, so oftentimes players opt to craft weapons without the weapon perk to take advantage of other perks that cannot be crafted on armor. However, having the perk on your weapon will scale better and more powerful.

For example, you would shoot for something like Keen, Viscous, Keenly Empowered on the weapon and roll your weapon-specific perk, such as, Fortifying perforate on one of your armor pieces. The weapon-specific perks do not stack. 

Below is a chart of all the weapon skill perks and their associated perk labels within New World (You can use “CTL + F” to search for applicable perks and perk labels).

Skill Perks Chart

SkillBlunderbussExhaustive Net Shot
SkillBlunderbussLeeching Shrapnel Blast
SkillBlunderbussVenturing Claw Shot
SkillBlunderbussPlagued Splitting Grenade
SkillBlunderbussResupplying Mortar Charge
SkillBlunderbussCrippling Blast Shot
SkillBowEnfeebling Poison Shot
SkillBowEnergizing Evade Shot
SkillBowLasting Rain of Arrows
SkillBowPenetrating Rapid Shot
SkillBowRefreshing Penetrating Shot
SkillBowEmpowering Explosive Arrow
SkillFire StaffRefreshing Pillar of Fire
SkillFire StaffEmpowering Meteor Shower
SkillFire StaffEmpowering Fireball
SkillFire StaffStable Incinerate
SkillFire StaffAccelerating Flamethrower
SkillFire StaffEfficient Burnout
SkillGreat AxeRefreshing Charge
SkillGreat AxeCrippling Reap
SkillGreat AxeMending Execute
SkillGreat AxeFortifying Whirlwind
SkillGreat AxeEnfeebling Maelstrom
SkillGreat AxeInsatiable Gravity Well
SkillHatchetCrippling Feral Rush
SkillHatchetKeen Berserk
SkillHatchetRefreshing Torrent
SkillHatchetEmpowering Rending Throw
SkillHatchetRefreshing Distancing Throw
SkillHatchetExhausting Infected Throw
SkillIce GauntletUnbroken Winds
SkillIce GauntletUnending Thaw
SkillIce GauntletIced Refresh
SkillIce GauntletDeadly Frost
SkillIce GauntletPylon Burst
SkillIce GauntletHealing Tomb
SkillLife StaffRefreshing Divine Embrace
SkillLife StaffFortifying Sacred Ground
SkillLife StaffPurity of Light
SkillLife StaffMending Protection
SkillLife StaffAccelerating Light’s Embrace
SkillLife StaffRevitalizing Beacon
SkillMusketCrippling Powder Burn
SkillMusketRefreshing Power Shot
SkillMusketEmpowering Shooter’s Stance
SkillMusketRepulsing Stopping Power
SkillMusketAccelerating Traps
SkillMusketMending Sticky Bombs
SkillRapierKeen Tondo
SkillRapierDeadly Flourish
SkillRapierLeeching Flurry
SkillRapierSundering Riposte
SkillRapierOmnidirectional Evade
SkillRapierRefreshing Fleche
SkillShieldAccelerated Defiant Stance
SkillShieldFortifying Shield Rush
SkillShieldDiminishing Shield Bash
SkillShieldContagious Reverse Stab
SkillShieldEmpowering Whirling Blade
SkillShieldEmpowering Leaping Strike
SkillSpearBleeding Sweep
SkillSpearSundering Javelin
SkillSpearLeeching Cyclone
SkillSpearFortifying Perforate
SkillSpearEnfeebling Skewer
SkillSpearKeen Vault Kick
SkillVoid GauntletVoracious Blade
SkillVoid GauntletNullifying Oblivion
SkillVoid GauntletPutrefying Scream
SkillVoid GauntletDiminishing Orb
SkillVoid GauntletSlowing Tether
SkillVoid GauntletRefreshing Rupture
SkillWarhammerEmpowering Armor Breaker
SkillWarhammerRefreshing Mighty Gavel
SkillWarhammerPenetrating Wrecking Ball
SkillWarhammerSundering Shockwave
SkillWarhammerRepulsing Clear Out
SkillWarhammerLeeching Path Of Destiny