Crossbow - Daggers

Greatsword - Crossbow

Spear - Longbow

Spear - Dagger

Crossbow - Staff

Greatsword - Dagger

Longbow - Staff

Spear - Greatsword

Greatsword - Staff

Longbow - Dagger

Staff - Dagger

Spear - Staff

Sword & Shield - Greatsword

Sword & Shield - Spear

Sword and Shield - Dagger

Sword & Shield - Longbow

Sword and Shield - Wand


New World Season 2 has officially been announced. It is going to be titled Blood of the Sands. Along with season 2 comes the highly anticipated transmog system, elite trials, cross world Outpost Rush (OPR), a new 3v3 PvP arena map, the retraction of First Light, and more.

New World Season 2

New Season Story & Season Pass

A new story will be implemented with season 2 that will take players on a journey with an ancient group called the Blood of the Sands. They, along with their Malek, have emerged from the shadows to seek help in finding the eggs of the Devourer. You will need to join the Silver Crows and Rima the bard to uncover the secrets of the order and their history with the creature they call Shah Neshen.

There will also be a new season journey, activity card, challenged, and rewards that can be obtained from the new season 2 season pass reward track.


The long awaited transmog system will finally be implemented with the Season 2 update. However, it will not initially come with the season 2 update but will be added later into the season as a stand alone update.

Players will have to obtain transmog tokens in order to capture the appearance of any gear collected in the world and then transform it into a usable skin for your cosmetic collection. You will be able to earn transmog tokens on both the free and premium reward tracks for season 2. It is assumed at this time that players will also be able to purchase additional tokens from the in game cash shop.

New World Season 2 Seasonal Trial

New World season 2 is going to introduce the first seasonal trial, The Hatchery. This trial is intended for 10+ max level players. You will have to fight through waves of enemies to progress the season pass and earn unique rewards.

This trial will be a weekly activity for players to complete, and you can earn a maximum amount of rewards 7 times a week. There are also smaller rewards that players can earn for subsequent runs.

New World Season 2 Elite Trial

The first every raid content in New World is being introduced in the form of an Elite trial. You will need to enter the Arena of Shah Neshen, the Devourer, and defeat the massive sand wurm for elite rewards in a challenging new PvE game mode for 20 max-level players.

This content is touted by the developers as being the hardest content to date. It is intended to be a massive challenge for players. The developers have also promised phenomonal rewards for those that are able to take down the wurm.

It has also been confirmed that the sand wurm will be a beast type enemy. This means that players will need to acquire beast bane and beast ward gear in order to maximize their opportunity for success in the raid. You will also want to obtain some acid resistance because it will be implemented into the fight in some form or fashion as well.

Along with the implementation of the new raid, New World season 2 is also introducing raid groups. You will be able to create groups of up to 20 players. This will allow players to more easily communicate, coordinate, and share spoils across large-scale open-world activities.

Cross World Outpost Rush & Adjustments

Season 2 is introducing cross world Outpost rush. Outpost Rush will soon be playable across any world within the same region. Along with this implementation you will be able to compete against players on region wide for a top spot on the OPR leaderboard.

There’s also several adjustments coming into OPR that include reduced wait times, an increased focus on objectives, and increased damage from siege weapons. Changes to door resistances were also confirmed by the developers. This will help prevent players from freely shooting the doors from a distance with piercing weapons.

The overall objective is to make the mode more engaging and tactical

New 3v3 PvP Arena Map & PvP Reward Track Changes

There will be a new 3v3 PvP arena map implemented with season 2. This map will be a multi level map that should shake up the way players engage with this game mode.

There’s also a major overhaul happening for the PvP rewards track. You will be able to obtain better drops more reliably. The existing drops have been completely overhauled, and tailed for players to be able to obtain better gear easier via the track.

First Light Retraction

A major overhaul is happening for the Territory of First Light. It is now completely blocked off, and will not be accessible. Not much is known about why it’s being blocked off, but here’s what we do know:

First Light has fallen to the might of Artemis and her Angry Earth horde! The Settlement, Fort, and Trading Post in First Light are now closed. A wall of thorns has erupted along the border, barring all access into the territory until further notice.

  • All Housing related items will return to Storage and can be found under the “Old First Light” tab in any Storage shed.
  • All Trading Post orders in First Light will eventually expire, but no new orders can be made in the territory.
  • Companies controlling First Light at the time of Retraction will be refunded for their losses.
  • First Light’s Faction Control Point (FCP) buff has been moved to Weaver’s Fen, and Weaver’s FCP buff has been discontinued for now.

The developers have stated that they have big plans for the territory, but haven’t revealed any additional information yet.

New World Season 2 Heartrune

There will be a new heartrune added with season 2 as well. This heartrune is called The Devourer. You will be able to summon a sand wurm to burst from the ground and damage anything within its path.

New World Season 2

Seasonal Events

Along with season 2 there will be two seasonal events for players to enjoy. The Summer Medley Fair is coming back, and a new event called Siege of Sulfur is being introduced.

With the new event, Siege of Sulfur, you will be able to join up in parties of 10+ to defend sand wurm eggs from waves of sulfur elementals that seek to destroy them. Defend the eggs to earn rewards that will help you take on Shah Neshen, and for a chance at the Mini-Devourer hat skin and housing item.