Crossbow - Daggers

Greatsword - Crossbow

Spear - Longbow

Spear - Dagger

Crossbow - Staff

Greatsword - Dagger

Longbow - Staff

Spear - Greatsword

Greatsword - Staff

Longbow - Dagger

Staff - Dagger

Spear - Staff

Sword & Shield - Greatsword

Sword & Shield - Spear

Sword and Shield - Dagger

Sword & Shield - Longbow

Sword and Shield - Wand


The Medleyfair is the New World Summer event full of fishing and music! It typically begins each year in July. For everything you need to know about the event, keep reading our Medleyfaire Event Guide.

Summer Medleyfaire 2023


To get started with the event, you will need to make your way to one of the event locations and speak with the Maestro. This will begin the questline. You will run through the quest and perform other activities to earn reputation for the event (outlined below). Earning reputation will unlock the various tiers in the event shop. You can then use tokens you have earned during the event to purchase items within the shop.

In order to earn tokens you will need to make your way to a maudlinbug swarm. These are marked on your map. Once you make your way to a swarm you will have to play the event song. Upon completing the song three times the swarm will disappear and dust will spawn on the ground. You can gather up the dust and trade it in for tokens. However, the primary reason to play the songs is not for the dust. It’s to get the maudlinbug fishing bait.

You will earn most of your tokens for the event through fishing. Once you’ve acquired some bait you can then make your way to some of the event specific fishing hot spots. Here you can use your bait and fish up some Aeternum Sturgeon and and other event specific items. The sturgeon can then traded for tokens at the Medleyfaire locations. These tokens are then used to purchase items from the event shop.

NOTE: Use Maudlinbug Bait anywhere on the island or equip any bait at Aeternum Sturgeon Hotspots during the Summer Medleyfaire to catch Aeternum Sturgeons for event reputation and tokens. Tokens can be exchanged for event rewards.

Summer Medleyfaire 2023

MedleyFaire Locations

There are Four MedleyFaire Locations around Aeternum. They are Monarchs Bluff, Everfall, Brightwood, and Weaver’s Fen. For the exact locations of each Medleyfaire, check out our interactive map of Aeternum! Each location of the MedleyFaire has the following features:

  • Summer Medleyfaire Shop (Master of Ceremonies)
  • Medleyfaire Dance Floore
  • Medleyfaire Pyre
  • Festival Cart
  • Mount-A-Catch
  • MedleyFaire Lore Pages

Make sure you interact with the centerpiece in every Medleyfaire location and all settlements in Aeternum for additional rewards each day during the course of the event.

Summer Medleyfaire Shop (Master of Ceremonies)

The Master of Ceremonies is the Medleyfaire Maestro. This is the Medleyfaire vendor for the event shop. As you rank up your Event reputation, you will unlock new rewards that you can purchase using Medleyfaire Tokens.


The First Rank of the Summer Medleryfaire Shop allows you to purchase stat food that scales with your level, a fishing trade skill food, and a Summertime Fish Windsock housing item. You can also purchase the new song available during the 2023 event titled “YAAAHHHH!”

Summer Medleryfaire Shop


Once you earn 1000 Event Reputation, you’ll unlock the Troubadour rank. Here, you will be able to purchase 3 New Event-specific housing items. Also at this rank, you can purchase an item level 200, an uncommon Fishing pole, and a Light Ether Vial We will speak more on Ether Vials and what they do in the Mount-A-Catch section of the guide.

Summer Medleryfaire Shop


At 3000 Reputation, you’ll reach the Bard Rank. At this rank, you’ll unlock more housing items, a fishing pole skin, and a Potent Ether Vial. Also, you’ll unlock the wiggle dance emote and patterns for armor crafting.

Summer Medleryfaire Shop

Virtuoso (6000 REP)

Once you reach 6000 Medleyfaire reputations, you’ll unlock the Virtuoso Rank. At this rank, you will unlock even more housing items, Powerful Either Vial, another emote, a helmet skin, sword skin, and a shield skin. Along with these items, you’ll unlock Medleyfaire-themed skins for all your instruments and fishing pole!

Summer Medleryfaire Shop

Maestro (10000 REP)

Maestro is the final rank of the Medleyfaire Summer Event. Once here you’ll unlock the 2 more emotes, more housing items, Intense Ether Vial, and another fishing pole skin. You will also unlock an Epic legendary fishing pole, a chest piece skin, a hat skin, and gear score 600 armor patterns.

Armor Set Previews

Here are some preview pictures of the Armor sets available in the Medlyfaire store!

Light Armor

Medium Armor

Heavy Armor

Medleyfaire Stage

Players can Perform the Dance Emote (default key P) Here to gain 250 Event Rep. This can be done once a day.

After you purchase the new music track ‘YAAHH’ from the Maestro and complete a 4-star playthrough on expert mode you will earn the “Guitar Hero” title.

You can also perform this song 3 times a day on any Summer Village stage for Premium Medleyfaire tokens.

You’ll earn the following rewards based on your performance:

  • Amazing
    • Premium Token (up to 3x a day)
    • 5x Normal Token
    • 50 event reputation
    • 7.5% chance to roll a Summer Event Pattern
  • Great
    • Premium Token (up to 3x a day)
    • 4x Normal Token
    • 25 event reputation
    • 5% chance to roll a Summer Event Pattern
  • Okay
    • Premium Token (up to 3x a day)
    • 2x Normal Token
    • 15 event reputation
    • 2.5% chance to roll a Summer Event Pattern
  • Bad
    • Premium Token (up to 3x a day)
    • 1x Normal Token
    • 0 event reputation

Medleyfaire Pyre

Throughout your journey during your Medleyfaire, you will come across Legendary items called Enchanted Aeternum Sturgeon Fishbones. Placing these on the Medleyfaire Pyre located in the center of the Summer Villages will grant you 25 Event Reputation and a Premium Medleyfaire Token.

Festival Cart

The Medleyfaire Festival Cart allows you to exchange currencies to gain Medleyfaire Tokens and Premium Medleyfaire Tokens. The following exchanges are available at the Festival Cart.

  • Token Conversion
    • 1 Premium Medleyfaire Token to 25 Medleyfaire Tokens
    • 25 Medleyfaire Tokens and 1 Vial of Suspended Azoth to 1 Premium Medleryfaire Token
  • Token Creation
    • 3 Brilliant Aeternum Sturgeon Scale to 1 Medleyfaire Token
    • 10 Aeternum Sturgeon Filets to 1 Medleyfaire Token
    • 50 Maudlindust to 1 Medleyfaire Token


The Mount a Catch Station allows you to turn the fish that you catch in New World to a trophy-like decoration that you can put in your house. You will need the following items from the Medleyfaire Event to create the Memento Stand. Depending on the stand you need you will need more/less of each item.

  • Pristine Soaked Wood
  • Assorted Seagrass
  • Cautiously Wrapped Stuffing

After you craft the Stand, you will need the fish you want to mount PLUS an Ether Vial. Ether Vials have 4 tiers that can each be purchased at the Summer Medleyfaire Shop (Master of Ceremonies).

  • Light Ether Vial
  • Potent Ether Vial
  • Powerful Ether Vial
  • Intense Ether Vial

Each Tier of Vial lines up with the Quality of fish you want to mount. For Example, to mount an Abaia Serpe, you will need an Intense Ether Vial.

MedleyFaire Stage Centerpiece

The Medley Fair Stage Centerpiece sets in any Territory than can be controlled by Players. This Excludes Edengrove, Great Cleave, and The Shattered Mountain. You can find these on your map by pressing M and looking for the marker below in the settlement.

Interacting with the MedleyFaire Stage will provide you with a Dismal, Grand, Opulent Bestowment

A Dismal Bestowment will include the following items:

  • 25 Event Rep
  • Diamond Gypsum
  • Hastily Packed Basket
    • MedleyFaire Token (1)
    • Gold

A Grand Bestoment will include the following items:

  • 50 Event Rep
  • 2 Diamond Gypsum
  • Beautifully Packed Basket
    • 3 Medleyfaire Tokens
    • Gold

An Opulent Bestowment will include the following items:

  • 75 Event Rep
  • 3 Diamond Gypsum
  • Exquisitely Packed Basket
    • 5 Medleyfaire Tokens
    • Gold

Medleyfaire Quest Line

The first thing you should do is finish the Medleyfaire Questline! All of the Quests are pretty straightforward, but before you start make sure to grab these items, as you will need them along the way!

  • Greenwood x20
  • Water x 6
  • Flint x 16
  • Reeds x 15

Medleyfaire Quest Order

Here is a list, in order, of the quests you will need to complete. Each quest should grant you around 250 Event Rep.

  • A Warm Medleyfaire Welcome (Level 20)
  • Maudlinbug Haze (Level 20)
  • Sturgeon Song (Level 20)
  • Stagecraft (Level 20)
  • Flower Power (Level 20)
  • Bees in Bonnets (Level 20)
  • Sweet Treats (Level 20)
  • Magnum Opus (Level 20)
  • Spreading the Cheer (Level 20)

How to Hit Max Rank in the Medleyfaire

During the Medleyfaire Event, you will need to earn a reputation to unlock all the rewards. Below is the breakdown of Medleyfaire event activities that level up your Event Reputation. To Reach Max Rank in the Medleyfaire, you will need to complete the Medleyfaire Quest Line and a combination of the following Activities:

Quest Line Experience

One of the easiest ways to gain rep during the Medleyfaire Event is the Event Questline. There are 9 Quests in total. Each of them will reward you with 250 Rep per Quest (2250 Rep Total).

Daily Activities

The main activity you should prioritize each day is Dancing on the Dance Floor at each Medleyfaire location. This will grant you 250 reputations at a total of 1000 Medleyfaire reps a day!

Next, Make sure that you go around to each Settlement to pick up your Bestowments from each Stage Centerpiece. These are an easy way to gain rep and Medleyfaire tokens! Collecting each territory’s Bestowment daily will speed up getting max rank.

Sturgeon Hotspots

These are special hotspots located all over Aeternum. You can fish here to easily catch the Medlyfaire Sturgeons and other Event Specific drops! Here is the amount of Rep you will get as you catch each event Item

Aeternum Sturgeon Fishing

  • Soaked Wood – 1 rep
  • Seagrass – 1 rep
  • Medleyfaire Cache – 3 rep
  • Small Aeternum Sturgeon – 5 Rep
  • Medium Aeternum Sturgeon – 10 Rep
  • Large Aeternum Sturgeon – 15 Rep

It is important to note that you can fish for event items anywhere in Aeternum, not just the Sturgeon Hotspots. To do so, simply equip the Event-specific Maudlinbug Bait and fish away!

MaudlinBug Swarm

The Music Hotspots are located all over Aeternum. You will unlock a song to play at these hot spots called the Maudlinbug Haze. Unlocking the song requires you to start the Madulinbug Quest from the Medleyfaire Quest Line. Playing the Maudlinbug Haze at a Maudlinbug Swarm hot spot will give you MaudlinBug Bait and Maudlindust. You may have to play the song several times at a hotspot to get the rewards.

After you finish the hotspot, Each time you pick up Maudlindust you will be rewarded with 2 Rep. Each Hotspot usually has around 15 – 20 Dust totaling around 30- 40 Reputation per Swarm.

MedleyFaire Lore Pages

The following Lore pages can be found strung around each Medleyfaire location. For exact locations, check out our interactive map!

Brightwood Summer Village

  • Maudlinbug Music
  • Last Night’s Dream
  • Bugging The Bugs

Everfall Summer Village

  • Wishing Bones
  • Repairing The Leak
  • Masked Flattery
  • Grand Prize

Monarchs Bluffs Summer Village

  • The Sturgeon’s Tale
  • Glowing Trail
  • Good Fortune
  • Generous Spirit

Weaver’s Fen Summer Village

  • Featingtide
  • Menu
  • The Smell of Fish

Event Changes

The event happens each year. However, there are some new additions to the event from the previous year. You can earn all of the events from the previous year if you missed any, and earn the new items available for the current year.

New Music

A set of new songs for musical instruments have been added and can be acquired anywhere you normally get music pages.

The full list includes:

  • YAAHH (available exclusively from the Maestro)
  • Trading Post Hustle
  • Wayfaring Stranger
  • Stoke The Forge
  • Old Windsward Shack
  • Sap Of Brightwood
  • Gatherers’ Rush
  • Memories Of Brightwood
  • 9 Pound Hammer
  • Last Call
  • The Old Wood
  • Honor Of The Warrior
  • Pirate Flying

New Event Shop Items

  • Long Swordfish – Longsword Skin
  • Starfish Defender – Round Shield Skin
  • Maestro’s Show Stopper – Hat

Medleyfaire Event Guide Conclusion

That concludes the New World Medleyfaire Event Guide. For more on New World’s Winter Event, the Winter Convergence, check out our Winter Convergence Guide.