Crossbow - Daggers

Greatsword - Crossbow

Spear - Longbow

Spear - Dagger

Crossbow - Staff

Greatsword - Dagger

Longbow - Staff

Spear - Greatsword

Greatsword - Staff

Longbow - Dagger

Staff - Dagger

Spear - Staff

Sword & Shield - Greatsword

Sword & Shield - Spear

Sword and Shield - Dagger

Sword & Shield - Longbow

Sword and Shield - Wand


Welcome to our New World Ice Gauntlet Guide! For more on the Ice Gauntlet and New World Aeternum Ice Magic, continue reading below.

General Information

The Ice Gauntlet is an intelligence based weapon that allows the wielder to cast ice spells as well as attack at range. It has many crowd control abilities and has a ton of area denial abilities. Light attack deals 100% ice damage and a heavy attack deals 140% ice damage.

An Ice Gauntlet in New World uses mana when using light attacks, heavy attacks, and abilities. For instance, the light attacks cost no mana and Heavy attacks cost 5 mana. Mana does not regenerate while you are attacking.

Mastery Tree Overview

There’s two skill trees for the Ice Gauntlet, they are the Ice Tempest and Builder skill trees.  

Ice Tempest Mastery Tree

Active abilities in the Ice Tempest tree are centered around AOE damage and has a powerful Key Passive in Ultimate Chill. These abilities are all focused on denial for monsters and players alike.

Ice Spikes

Ice Spikes is a cleave ability with a tied-in skill shot called Mighty Spike. It has a range of 8 meters but the player can end it, proc-ing Mighty Spike at any time causing additional weapon damage and a pushback.

Refreshing Spikes (1st) reduces the Cooldown for Ice Spikes by 10% if the player successfully performs the skill shot by hitting a target with Mighty Strike. Empowered Spikes (2nd) increases the damage of Mighty Strike by 20% if the target’s health is below 30%. Deadly Path (3rd) which increases the default attack of the ability by 10% (Mighty Strike doesn’t change). Spikey Reach (4th) creates additional ice shards fire on both sides of the Mighty Strike enabling you to hit a wider area. Each shard has a 6-meter range and deals additional weapon damage.

Ice Storm

Ice Storm creates a 5-meter radius ice storm at the selected target area that deals weapon damage over 5 seconds every 1/3 a second. In addition, the affected area also creates a frosted area that will slow movement speed by 25% (This effect doesn’t apply to friendly/self targets).

Weakening Gust (1st) applies a debuff on the target that increases the damage taken by 10% for 3 seconds while under 50% health. Storm Summoner (2nd) reduces the mana cost of Ice Storm by 80% when you cast at full ]Mana Points. Punishing Storm (3rd) is the final passive. It increases the damage by 10% for each enemy in the Ice Storm.

Wind Chill

Wind Chill is the Ice Gauntlet’s version of the Flame Thrower, but with a limited channel time and a few other things. Further, it creates a column of ice wind that is 7 meters long. If hit by the ability it will push back the target 5 meters and deal small weapon damage. The last 2 meters of the ability has an increased damage modifier and doesn’t push back. Finally, you are able to move while channeling this ability.

Wind Chill Passives: Enduring Chill extends the channeling length by 1 second. Chilling Blast (2nd) increases the damage of the last 2 meters by 25%.


The Key Passive in the Ice Tempest Tree is Ultimate Chill. Ultimate Chill grants a 25% increased damage buff against targets that have been hit with an Ice ability. This buff lasts 3 seconds but can be reapplied with any of the Ice gauntlets abilities. This is an extremely strong DPS passive and the most likely choice for most Ice Gauntlet users.  

Builder Mastery Tree

The Active abilities in the Builder tree have a lot of utility and survivability for the user.

Ice Pylon

Ice Pylon is an ability that you place in front of your character that spawns a little ice tower that will auto-attack enemies within 20 meters of it for medium weapon damage. Additionally, the pylon will add a 1-meter circle of frost that slows. The Pylon lasts for 15 seconds unless the pylon is destroyed.

Greater Pylon (1st) increases the damage against slowed targets by 10%. Pylon Regen (2nd) causes the Pylon to fully heal after 5 seconds of not taking any damage. Pylon Dodge (3rd) increases the rate of fire for 3 seconds after you dodge. Pylon Refresh (4th) a successful hit from the pylon extends the lifetime of the pylon for 1 second up to 45 seconds. Ultimate Frost (5th & Key Passive) doubles the pylon’s health and extends the frost circle to 5 meters. Standing in the frost circle doubles the effects of Quick Frost (Passive Movement Speed) and Empowered Frost (Passive Mana Regen).

Ice Shower

Ice Shower is an ability that summons a 1 meter wide by 5 meter AoE Ice-like-wall that lasts for 4 seconds and that applies a powerful debuff to enemies that come into contact called Frostbite. This debuff will cause a few different affects; the first one is that it will root the affected player in place for 1 second, secondly, it will prevent the player from being able to sprit or dodge for 3 seconds, and thirdly it applies a 50% reduction of speed that lasts 3 seconds. The 3-second timer starts after the player leaves the effected area of Ice Shower while the 1-second root will only 1 second after initial contact.

Enduring Shower is the first passive upgrade. This passive upgrades Ice Shower’s 4-second timer to be a 7-second timer making it over double the denial time while active. Next is Quick Shower. This passive applies haste, 25% movement speed, buff to self and allies that walk through the Ice Shower for 2 seconds. Frigid Showers is the third and final upgrade. The passive adds an addition effect with Frostbite called Rend. Rend decreases the target’s armor by 10%.  


Entombed is an ability that makes the user invulnerable by creating ice barrier around them and greatly increases mana regen. The ability lasts for 10 seconds, however, it is possible to end it early with the [RMB]Right Mouse Button (causing the ice barrier to drop), [LMB]Left Mouse Button (causing the ice barrier to explode dealing enemy damage and costing 10 mana), or if an outside force breaks the ice barrier.

Strengthen Tomb is the first passive. It increases the player’s defense by 25% for 3 seconds after exiting the ice barrier. Finally, is Cleansing Tomb that cleanses all debuffs when Entombed is activated.


The other passives in the Builder Mastery Tree are centered around Defense, movement speed, and cool down reduction

Recommended Roles and Mastery Point Assignment

The Ice Gauntlet is currently used in DPS builds for both PVP and PVE. In Wars, the Ice gauntlet is most commonly found in a Support build and is paired with the Void Gauntlet.

Recommended Weapon Pairings with the Ice Gauntlet

The following weapons are recommended pairings for the Ice Gauntlet in New World. 

  • Fire Staff – The Fire Staff primarily scales off of Intelligence, making this a great pairing with the gauntlet. The Ice Gauntlet can provide you with additional AoE, mana regeneration, and crowd control. 
  • Void Gauntlet – The Void Gauntlet is arguably the weapon that shares the most synergy with the Ice Gauntlet. This combo provides you with an insane amount of CC, debuffs, and AoE damage. 
  • Blunderbuss – A Blunderbuss pairs fantastically with the Ice Gauntlet, allowing large AoE burst combos, and holding enemies in place with the Ice Gauntlet.

You can reference our builds section for specific Ice Gauntlet pairings and builds.

Ice Gauntlet Perks

Every Weapon Ability in New World has a corresponding Perk that can be found on armor and weapons. Most of the perks scale in power with the Gear Score of the item they are on. It’s important to note that you can only benefit from one instance of a weapon ability perk at a time. You can obtain the weapon perks randomly from drops or you can craft gear with the specific perk on it. You can enhance your chance at obtaining a specific perk by utilizing mods. Additionally you can enhance your chance at obtaining your perk with the right stats by using the timeless shards.

Weapon Ability PerkDescriptionArmorWeaponCrafting Mods
Pylon BurstIce Pylon deals +X% more damage and triggers a burst dealing 50% weapon damage to to enemies within a 3m radius every 2s6.7%11%Reinforced Orichalcum Ice Gauntlet Charm
Deadly FrostWhile the Frigid Showers upgrade is active, Ice Shower’s Frostbite deals 8% weapon damage per second to affected enemies. Reduce Ice Shower’s cooldown by X%11%15%Reinforced Starmetal Ice Gauntlet Charm
Healing TombHeal for X% of your base Health after Entomb ends.20%32%Reinforced Steel Ice Gauntlet Charm
Empowered Ice SpikeIce Spike deals +X% more damage to rooted foes.18%40%Orichalcum Ice Gauntlet Charm
Unending ThawIce Storm deals +X% damage. Frost effects remains on enemies for 2s after exiting Ice Storm.6.7%11%Starmetal Ice Gauntlet Charm
Unbroken WindsWind Chill deals +X% damage. If Wind Chill hits the same target 6 times in a row they become rooted for 1s.18%40%Steel Ice Gauntlet Charm

Recommended Ice Gauntlet Gems

The type of gem you will want to slot into your Ice Gauntlet is heavily dependent upon your build and what you’re trying to accomplish. It’s also going to vary based on PvP vs PvE activities (You can check our quick reference guide for gems for a full list of gems and their effects).  

Enemy types the Ice Gauntlet is strong/weak against

Being an Ice Gauntlet the damage type you will be dealing is ice. Our Damage Type vs Mob Types Quick Chart guide as a complete breakdown for every weapon, but for this one you will do the most damage against The Lost.

  • The Lost: Takes 15% MORE damage from ice attacks

New World Ice Gauntlet Guide Conclusion

That Concludes our New World Ice Gauntlet Guide. For more on where to level your Ice Gauntlet, check out our Weapon Leveling Locations.