Crossbow - Daggers

Greatsword - Crossbow

Spear - Longbow

Spear - Dagger

Crossbow - Staff

Greatsword - Dagger

Longbow - Staff

Spear - Greatsword

Greatsword - Staff

Longbow - Dagger

Staff - Dagger

Spear - Staff

Sword & Shield - Greatsword

Sword & Shield - Spear

Sword and Shield - Dagger

Sword & Shield - Longbow

Sword and Shield - Wand

New World has gems you can place in your gear to change their effects. The cut pristine version of the gems can also be modified into runeglass versions of the gems. Below is a quick list of the New World gem effects and runeglass effects in both armor and weapons at each tier level.

Weapon Gem Effects

Placing a gem in your weapons in New World can have many different effects. They can increase the damage you deal, change some of the damage types your weapon can deal, or increase the aggro you can gain.

The effect of the gem is based on the tier. There are 4 different tiers II-V. They consist of cut flawed, cut, cut brilliant, and cut pristine. Elemental gems always convert 50% of your damage to that element regardless of tier.

However, conversion gems (gems that convert your damage type) also scale ALL of the weapon’s damage to intelligence or focus if those attributes are higher than the base weapon’s attributes. The conversion gem values are as follows:

  • Tier 2 = 50% Conversion to Element at 45% scaling off of INT / 35% scaling off of FOC
  • Tier 3 = 50% Conversion to Element at 55% scaling off of INT / 45% scaling off of FOC
  • Tier 4 = 50% Conversion to Element at 65% scaling off of INT / 55% scaling off of FOC
  • Tier 5 = 50% Conversion to Element at 75% scaling off of INT / 65% scaling off of FOC
    • Runeglass variants scale at the same value as the Tier 4 Gems.
  • NOTE: These will not dual scale. If the replacement attribute is higher, it will override the base weapon’s scaling.

Below is an image of the gem effects.

GemImageEffectDescriptionBonus – Tier II/III/IV/V
AmberCut pristine amber new worldArborealConvert 50% of damage dealt to Nature. If FOC is higher, replace weapon scaling with FOC, but at X% scaling.35/45/55/65
AmethystCut Pristine Amethyst new worldAbyssalConvert 50% of damage dealt to Void. If INT is higher, replace weapon scaling with INT, but at X% scaling.45/55/65/75
AquamarineCut Pristine Aquamarine ne worldFrozenConvert 50% of damage dealt to Ice. If INT is higher, replace weapon scaling with INT, but at X% scaling.45/55/65/75
CarnelianCut Pristine Carnelian new worldTauntingTaunts are active. Generate X% more threat.100/200/250/300
DiamondCut Pristine Diamond new worldRally+X% damage and outgoing healing while at full Health.6/9/12/15
EmeraldCut Pristine Emerald new worldOpportunist+X% damage against and +X% healing to targets below 50% Health.7/10/13/16
JasperCut Pristine Jasper new worldRetaliateGain a stack of +X% damage for 5s after blocking or taking a hit (Max 3 stacks).3/4/6/8
MalachiteCut Pristine Malachite new worldCruel+X% damage against targets affected by Crowd Control effects (Slow, Stun, Root).6/8/10/12
MoonstoneCut Pristine Moonstone new worldExhilarate+X% damage while all of your active weapon abilities are on cooldown.11/14/17/20
OnyxCut Pristine Onyx new worldBrash+X% damage against targets above 70% health.9/12/15/18
OpalCut Pristine Opal new worldGambit+X% damage while your Stamina is not full.4/6/9/12
RubyCut Pristine Ruby new worldIgnitedConvert 50% of damage dealt to Fire. If INT is higher, replace weapon scaling with INT, but at X% scaling.45/55/65/75
SapphireCut Pristine Sapphire new worldEmpoweredConvert 50% of damage dealt to Arcane. If FOC is higher, replace weapon scaling with FOC, but at X% scaling.35/45/55/65
TopazCut Pristine Topaz new worldElectrifiedConvert 50% of damage dealt to Lightning. If INT is higher, replace weapon scaling with INT, but at X% scaling.45/55/65/75

Armor and Jewelry Gem Effects

What gems you place in your armor in New World is important! You can greatly increase the amount of mitigation you have against certain damage types accordingly by placing the right gem in your armor before going into activities such as mutations.

In New World, gems have the same effect on jewelry that they do on armor. Similar to Weapons, Gems have different effects on armor depending on their tier. Below is an image of each of the New World Gems and their effects on armor and jewelry.

GemImageEffectDescriptionBonus – Tier II/III/IV/V
AmberCut pristine amber new worldNature Ward+% Nature Damage Absorption.3/4/5/6
AmethystCut Pristine Amethyst new worldAbyssal Ward+% Void Damage Absorption.3/4/5/6
AquamarineCut Pristine Aquamarine ne worldIce Ward+% Ice Damage Absorption.3/4/5/6
CarnelianCut Pristine Carnelian new worldCalmingGenerate x% less threat. And deal X% more damage to taunted foes.4/6/8/10
DiamondCut Pristine Diamond new worldWilderness Ward+% Physical and +% Elemental Damage Absorption..75 & .25 / 1.1 & .38 / 1.5 & .5 / 1.9 & .63
EmeraldCut Pristine Emerald new worldThrust Ward+% Thrust Damage Absorption.2/3/4/5
JasperCut Pristine Jasper new worldStrike Ward+% Strike Damage Absorption.2/3/4/5
MalachiteCut Pristine Malachite new worldSpectral Ward+% Elemental and +% Physical Damage Absorption..75 & .25 / 1.1 & .38 / 1.5 & .5 / 1.9 & .63
MoonstoneCut Pristine Moonstone new worldSlash Ward+% Slash Damage Absorption.2/3/4/5
OnyxCut Pristine Onyx new worldPhysical Ward+% Physical Damage Absorption.1/1.5/2/2.5
OpalCut Pristine Opal new worldElemental Ward+% Elemental Damage Absorption.1/1.5/2/2.5
RubyCut Pristine Ruby new worldFire Ward+% Fire Damage Absorption.3/4/5/6
SapphireCut Pristine Sapphire new worldArcane Ward+% Arcane Damage Absorption.3/4/5/6
TopazCut Pristine Topaz new worldLightning Ward+% Lightning Damage Absorption.3/4/5/6

Runeglass Gem Types

You can check out our Runeglass Gem guide for a full breakdown of runeglass gems

Runeglass Type / CaseEffectEffect Details WeaponEffect Details Armor
LeechingAdd Leeching power to any Pristine Cut GemHeal for 3% of the damage you deal (2s cooldown)Heal for 1% of the damage you deal (2s cooldown)
EnergizingAdd Energizing power to any Pristine Cut GemGain +4 stamina with each successful hit (3 second cooldown)Gain +1 stamina with each successful hit (3 second cooldown)
SiphoningAdd Siphoning power to any Pristine Cut GemGain +1.5 mana with each successful hit (2 second cooldown)Gain +0.8 mana with each successful hit (2 second cooldown)
IgnitingAdd increased Fire damage to any Pristine Cut GemInflict burn and deal 8% fire damage per second for 2 secondsYour fire attacks do an additional 2% damage
FreezingAdd increased Ice damage to any Pristine Cut GemInflict frostburn and deal 8% ice damage per second for 2 secondsYour ice attacks do an additional 2% damage
AbyssAdd increased Abyssal damage to any Pristine Cut GemInflict corrosion and deal 8% void damage per second for 2 secondsYour void attacks do an additional 2% damage
ElectrifyingAdd increased Lightning damage to any Pristine Cut GemInflict surge and deal 8% lightning damage per second for 2 secondsYour lightning attacks do an additional 2% damage
NatureAdd increased Arboreal damage to any Pristine Cut GemInflict poison and deal 8% nature damage per second for 2 secondsYour nature attacks do an additional 2% damage
EmpoweringAdd increased Arcane damage to any Pristine Cut GemInflict Hex and deal 8% arcane damage per second for 2sYour arcane attacks do an additional 2% damage
PunishingAdd increased Melee damage to any Pristine Cut GemYour melee attacks do an additional 2% damageYour melee attacks do an additional 1% damage
SightAdd increased Ranged damage to any Pristine Cut GemYour ranged attacks to an additional 2% damageYour ranged attacks do an additional 1% damage

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