Crossbow - Daggers

Greatsword - Crossbow

Spear - Longbow

Spear - Dagger

Crossbow - Staff

Greatsword - Dagger

Longbow - Staff

Spear - Greatsword

Greatsword - Staff

Longbow - Dagger

Staff - Dagger

Spear - Staff

Sword & Shield - Greatsword

Sword & Shield - Spear

Sword and Shield - Dagger

Sword & Shield - Longbow

Sword and Shield - Wand


Harvesting is a gathering Trade Skill in New World Aeterum that allows players to gather raw plant resources from Harvesting nodes that will be used in crafting Trade Skills; ArmoringEngineeringArcanaCooking, and Furnishing. It will also be used in the Weaving and Stonecutting refining Trade Skills. Learn about all this and more in our New World Harvesting Guide.

Harvesting In New World

To get started you will need a flint harvesting sickle to start gathering nodes. This requires Engineering level 0 along with 1 Flint and 1 Green Wood to craft it. You are able to pick up both the Flint and Green-Wood without the need of a gathering tool by walking up to the respective bush/flint and pressing your interact key (Default “E). Once all are obtained, a Tier 1 Camp Fire or Workshop is required to craft the Flint Harvesting Sickle. Once crafted you will need to equip it and you can start gathering.

Higher character levels are able to use better tiers of Harvesting Sickles:

ItemLevel RequirementTierGathering Speed
Iron Harvesting Sickle5II200% – 350%
Steel Harvesting Sickle20III350% – 450%
Starmetal Harvesting Sickle40IV450% – 625%
Orichalcum Harvesting Sickle45V625% – 850%
Mythril Harvesting Sickle55V900% – 1100%

It is advised to use the highest tier possible followed by the best gear score possible in order to maximize your gathering speed. 

Harvesting Thresholds

As you level your harvesting you will gain the ability to harvest and track additional resources. The below chart outlines each harvesting level threshold.

ResourceGatherable at LevelTracked at Level
Farm Plants020
Magical Creatures0175
Magical Plants3045
Aloe Gel105N/A

You can also earn a hidden stash while harvesting any node. Opening a stash will award you with Earth, Air, Water, and Life motes, gold, and other goodies like a Diamond Gypsum. 

TIP: There are 2 major factors that come into play when trying to obtain items while harvesting. harvesting luck and location determine what you obtain while harvesting. Don’t feel discouraged when first starting out and you are not able to find rare items.

How to level Harvesting

The information contained in this section will assist you in leveling your Harvesting Trade Skill. You can utilize our interactive map to help you create harvesting routes for whatever material you’re looking for. 

Leveling Harvesting is a straightforward process. The general rule of thumb is if you can harvest it you should for the experience. There are some plants that will yield a better experience over others in which you can focus your harvesting, but it will depend on the availability of these items as you may not be the only player seeking out these harvesting nodes.

Rare Gathering Items

Rare items can be found when gathering. These items, when taken to a corresponding refining station, can be researched to give the player a substantial amount of gathering tradeskill XP. These items are currently available in 3 rarities for Mining, Harvesting, Skinning, and Logging. The harvesting variants consist of:

RarityItemHarvest From
CommonStrange PollenHemp
UncommonAbnormal PollenSilkweed
RareUnusual PollenWirefiber
EpicBizarre PollenSpinfiber
harvesting in new world

Level 1 to 250

The best way to level up harvesting is to gather herbs, blueberries, berries, and Wirefiber (requires 150 harvesting skill) since they generate the most harvesting experience per second compared to other resources.

TIP: Herbs can be found in abundance around forts and is likely to be your best place to level, Blueberries can be found in abundance near the Shattered Obelisk, Silkweed can be found in abundance in Mourningdale, and Wirefiber can be found in abundance in Edengrove. Use the interactive map to plot out your path.

There is an experience perk that you will want to seek out on your sickle called Horticulture Discipline. This perk increases your Harvesting experience based on the gear score value of the sickle. The perk is limited to only sickles. This perk is a must if you are trying to power-level Harvesting. It is also useful after reaching the maximum of 250 in order to reach trade skill aptitude progression points. 

Increasing Your Intelligence as high as you can is best for leveling Harvesting due to the many benefits (mentioned below) you receive from the Attribute Breakpoints.

NOTE: There are things in the game that may seem like they will help you level, but will not. Territory XP Gain bonus is one of these things. That buff does not apply to trade skills. Luck doesn’t affect your experience rates. Finding uncommon, rare, or legendary items while gathering doesn’t change the amount of experience you earn. Yield is the same as luck. Earning more of an item doesn’t increase the amount of experience you earn. 

Enhancing your Harvesting

Buffs and perks are the 2 main ways to enhance your harvesting. Below is a chart for the sickle perks and their associated perk labels. You can not have 2 perks with the same perk label on your item.

ToolPerk LabelPerk Name
All ToolsAzoth GainAzoth Extraction
All ToolsGatheringProcGathering Recovery
All ToolsGatheringProcGathering Alacrity
All Tools5th Perk, MotesFire Alignment
All Tools5th Perk, MotesEarth Alignment
All Tools5th Perk, MotesAir Alignment
All Tools5th Perk, MotesWater Alignment
All Tools5th Perk, MotesSpirit Alignment
All Tools5th Perk, MotesLife Alignment
All Tools5th Perk, MotesDeath Alignment
SickleBonusHorticulture Discipline
SickleBonusHarvesting Efficiency
SickleLuckHarvesting Luck
SickleYieldHarvesting Yield

Buffs can stack if they come from different sources. For example, you can stack yield increase buff from a proficiency potion and territory control. If you attempt to stack buffs from the same source it will just refresh your buff timer. 

There is a Harvester armor set that is ideal for players to use while harvesting. This set comes equipped with intelligence and reinforced harvesting luck. You can obtain this set from various mobs around Aeternum.  

There is also a gear score 700 version of the set. This set is very unique because it comes equipped with intelligence, harvesting luck, and harvesting yield. You can not craft an item with harvesting yield. The only way to obtain this combination is through the harvester set. This set can only be obtained through tier III aptitude crates.

Other Harvesting Perks & Buffs

Armor PerkReinforced Harvesting Luck
Amulet PerkAdored Harvesting Luck
Bag PerkWeaver’s Burden
Bag PerkExtra Pockets
Bag PerkAlchemist’s Burden
PotionProficiency Booster
FoodHarvesting Luck Food
TrophyHarvesting Gathering Trophy

Intelligence Bonus

  • 25 Points +10% Harvesting Speed
  • 50 Points +5% chance for 1 azoth when harvesting
  • 100 Points +50 encumbrance
  • 150 Points -10% weight reduction for Harvested items
  • 200 Points +20% harvesting Speed
  • 250 Points +10% yield when Harvesting
  • 300 Points 25% reduction in Azoth travel cost
  • 350 Points – 10% chance at finding rare items while harvesting

Territory Buffs:

  • Cutlass Key Fort: +10% to global gathering luck
  • Monarch’s Bluff Fort: +5% Increase to all experience gains
  • Territory Control: +10% Yield while gathering
  • Farmer’s Harvest: +20% Yield while Harvesting for 3 days. (Settlement Quality of Life Buff)
  • Territory Bonus: [5-37]% Gathering Speed – Varies based on how many points. Bonus decays at 86.5% per point


  • While Flagged +30% Gathering Luck

Music Buffs:

You can check our Music guide for a full breakdown of the music trade skill.

  • Decidedly Dexterous: Gathering speed increases by 75% for 30-90min.
  • Fortune’s Favor: Gathering yield increases by 3%-10% for 30-90min.
  • Luck’s Labor: Gathering luck increases by 2% – 5% for 30-90min.

Harvesting Luck

Luck is important for Harvesting because it will increase the odds of you obtaining a rare harvesting item and an increase to items gathered. Some thresholds must be reached to obtain the rare items. These thresholds can be obtained by just level Harvesting but can be reached sooner with the help of the resources listed above.


  • +1,000 Points / 10.00% Ability to harvest Tier 2 & 3 rare fiber materials
  • +1,100 Points / 11.0% Ability to harvest Flowers from Magical Plants 
  • +1,450 Points / 14.5% Ability to harvest Tier 4 rare fiber materials
  • +1,800 Points / 18.0% Ability to harvest Tier 5 rare fiber materials

It is important to note that even though these are the thresholds to start seeing these items, it doesn’t mean your chances of seeing them are very high. 

New World Harvesting Guide Conclusion

That concludes our New World Harvesting Guide. For the locations of all the Harvesting Nodes in New World, check out our Interactive New World Map!