Crossbow - Daggers

Greatsword - Crossbow

Spear - Longbow

Spear - Dagger

Crossbow - Staff

Greatsword - Dagger

Longbow - Staff

Spear - Greatsword

Greatsword - Staff

Longbow - Dagger

Staff - Dagger

Spear - Staff

Sword & Shield - Greatsword

Sword & Shield - Spear

Sword and Shield - Dagger

Sword & Shield - Longbow

Sword and Shield - Wand

Greetings Heroes of Arkesia,
This weekly update from Amazon Games will be focusing on the Express Mission Event, Guardian Raid Event, and some fixes to the game. The servers will be coming offline April 28th, 12AM PT (7AM UTC | 9AM CEST) to apply this week’s patch. The servers will be offline for around 5 hours to get the patch into the servers.

Express Mission Event

  • Added a feature that allows players to change their Express Mission Event character if the T1 and T2 honing benefits from the event have not been previously used.
    • Players can only change their designated Express Mission Event character one time.
    • Please note that if a player deletes their Express Mission Event character, they will not be able to designate a new one.
  • Updated the event so that only level 50 characters with an item level below 1100 can be designated as Express Mission Event characters.
  • Updated the engravings available in the Engraving Selection Chests provided by the Express Mission Event. All engravings will now be available, and any claimed and unused selection chests will be updated retroactively to include the full selection of engravings.
  • Updated the end date shown in the Event menu to reflect the event end date of July 28th.
    • Players will still need to choose a character for Express Mission Event participation before the selection period ends on June 30th, but will be able to complete quests with their character until July 28th.

Express Mission changes are based upon player feedback; accidently selecting the wrong character because they were unsure of what the event was for.

Guardian Raid Event

  • Extended the casual Guardian Raid Event to run until May 19th in order to support player progression ahead of the May Content Update.
  • Adjusted the reward expiration dates for items obtained through the Guardian Raid Event to reflect the new end date of May 19th.
  • Updated the rewards available from the Guardian Raid Event.
    • Gem Chests have been removed in order to combat excess bot farming.
    • The following items have been added to the weekly reward pool:
      • Legendary – Rare Card Pack (3)
      • Regulus’ Light Currency Chest (1)
      • Uncommon Class Engraving Chest (10)
      • Uncommon Combat Engraving Chest (10)
      • Rare Class Engraving Chest (10)
      • Rare Combat Engraving Chest (10)
      • Epic Class Engraving Chest (10)
      • Epic Combat Engraving Chest (10)

Additional Fixes

  • Replaced gold rewards from various early World and Stronghold quests with a variety of new rewards to prevent farming by bots.
  • Updated Xereon’s dialogue during the Temporary Alliance quest in South Vern.
  • Fixed an issue that caused debug text to be shown while placing an object in the Stronghold.
  • Updated the expiration date on claimed Feiton Powerpasses to reflect the correct date of June 30th.
    • Please note that ALL Feiton Powerpasses will expire on June 30th, regardless of when they were claimed.

As an additional note, as players may notice the end dates of certain events such as the Casual Guardian Raid Event, we would like to share that we are currently targeting the third week of May for our next Content Update. However, the build is still in the process of being developed and we are continuing to monitor player feedback and progression from the April Content Update — this means that the date is not yet locked in and could shift or change. We will let players know what to expect as development progresses throughout the month of May.

Roxx from Amazon Games