Crossbow - Daggers

Greatsword - Crossbow

Spear - Longbow

Spear - Dagger

Crossbow - Staff

Greatsword - Dagger

Longbow - Staff

Spear - Greatsword

Greatsword - Staff

Longbow - Dagger

Staff - Dagger

Spear - Staff

Sword & Shield - Greatsword

Sword & Shield - Spear

Sword and Shield - Dagger

Sword & Shield - Longbow

Sword and Shield - Wand

Greetings Heroes of Arkeia; This guide we will be covering the Lost Ark Express Mission Event that started April 21st, 2022 and planned to end on June 30th, 2022. So, if you are unsure about the event or what you want to do, we got your back.

The Lost Ark Super Express Mission

The Lost Ark Express Mission is a short term event to help boost player rewards on their journey to Tier 3 content. As some of you may know, Lost Ark isn’t a new game, however it is a new game for the NA communities. As such, this is but one of many events that exist to help players catch up to the rest of the Lost Ark global playerbase.

To access the Express Mission Event, you first must have a level 50 character. Once you do, you will be able to select one of your level 50 characters to take on this express event. Keep in mind, that you can only select one character per Account (Not Roster). Additionally, you can only switch it once if you accidently selected the wrong character.

Limit to only 1 character per account Express Mission
Confirmation of only being able to select 1 character per account.

After your selection, the Express Missions Event will stop showing up when logging on. To further access the event, you must select the Gift icon under your mini map (Screen shot below). However, that icon will only be selectable for the character from your first selection. So, other characters will see the icon as grey without the option of selecting it. Additionally, when you see the red dot next to the icon, it means you have rewards waiting.

Lost Ark Express Mission Icon
Express Mission Icon

Change Event Character

With the April 28th, 2022 patch, it became possible to switch what character is on the Express Mission Event. This was due to the number of players who didn’t understand the event and their pick for the event was their main character. To change what character, simply select the “Change Event Character” button in the Express Mission UI.

Express Mission Character Change
Showing the Change Event Character button

Upon pressing that button, you will have a prompt asking you to confirm your change and informing you that this can only happen once for this event. Additionally, any progress will no change and your new event character must meet the requirements to take part in the event.

Express Mission Character Change Confirmation
Confirming Character Event Change

You will then have the chance to change your character for this event. Once again, when selecting a new character you will get another prompt to confirm your selection to make sure you know what you are doing. So, when you confirm for this final time, you will be stuck with your choice and unable to change again.

The Best Character Pick For The Event

There is no right or wrong answer to picking a character for this event. What matters the most is that you finish the event and earn the Super Express Complete Chest. So, whatever you pick, make sure it is one you are willing to complete all the missions with.

This is because the Super Express Complete Chest is Bound to Roster. Meaning, any character that earns the chest can place it into the Roster Bank and give it to any character you want to have Tier 3 materials on.

Types of Missions and Rewards

Once you have your character setup for the Express Missions Event, you will gain access to the missions. So, don’t wait too long to pick a character for this event. And start earning those rewards!

To help you make the choice of what character to select, we’ve made a table with the mission and the rewards. So you can see for yourself what you will need to do and what you will earn for doing it!

Lost Ark Express Mission Rewards Claim
When a mission is done, you can select Claim Reward to earn your items.

Level 1 Mission & Rewards

These rewards are for players in the item level range 302 – 460.

MissionRewardsRewards Info
Reach Item Level 250Express Equipment ChestA full set of blue 302 gear
Training Room: Learn About Weak Points10x Destruction Bomb (Bound)
10x Whirlwind Grenade (Bound)
Battle Items
(2x) Clear Chaos Dungeon: Vern with Aura10x Phoenix Plume
15x Flare (Bound)
10x Major HP Potion (Bound)
Battle Items
(3x) Complete Una’s Tasks [Daily]100x Destruction Stone Fragment
300x Guardian Stone Fragment
Tier 1 Honing Materials
Raid Level 1: Harvest 2 Guardian Souls15x Harmony Leapstone (Bound)Tier 1 Honing Materials
Clear Ancient Elveria: Demon Beast Canyon20x Uncommon Class Engraving Recipe Selection ChestPick a green Class Engraving
Clear Ancient Elveria: Necromancer’s Source20x Uncommon Combat Engraving Recipe Selection ChestPick a green Combat Engraving
100% Complete Level 1 Express Missions2x Uncommon Engraving Effect Support ChestContains 20x green engravings chests

Level 2 Mission & Rewards

The level 2 missions are for players in the item level range 460 – 600.

MissionRewardsRewards Info
(2x) Clear Chaos Dungeon: Rohendel with Aura5x Phoenix Plume
10x Major HP Potion (Bound)
2x Regulus’ Light Currency Chest
Battle Items and Silver
(3x) Complete Una’s Tasks [Daily]200x Destruction Stone Fragment
600x Guardian Stone Fragment
Tier 1 Honing Materials
Raid Level 2: Harvest 2 Guardian Souls30x Harmony Leapstone (Bound)Tier 1 Honing Materials
Clear Phantom Palace: Hall of the Twisted Warlord20x Rare Class Engraving Recipe Selection Chest Pick a blue Class Engraving
Clear Phantom Palace: Clear Hildebrandt20x Rare Combat Engraving Recipe Selection Chest Pick a blue Combat Engraving
100% Complete Level 2 Express Missions10x Stronghold Activity Relief Chest
5x Stronghold Energy (L)
5x Leap’s Essence
5x Major Life Energy Potion
Trade Skills and Stronghold items

Level 3 Mission & Rewards

The level 3 missions are for players in the item level range 600 – 960.

MissionRewardsRewards Info
(2x) Clear Chaos Dungeon: Yorn with Aura5x Phoenix Plume
15x Flare (Bound)
10x Major HP Potion (Bound)
Battle Items
(3x) Complete Una’s Tasks [Daily]150x Destruction Stone
450x Guardian Stone
Tier 2 Honing Materials
Raid Level 3: Harvest 2 Guardian Souls15x Life Leapstone (Bound)Tier 2 Honing Materials
Clear Ark of Arrogance: Road of Lament10x Epic Class Engraving Recipe Selection ChestPick a purple Class Engraving
Clear Ark of Arrogance: Forge of Fallen Pride10x Epic Combat Engraving Recipe Selection ChestPick a purple Combat Engraving
100% Complete Level 3 Express Missions1,000,000 SilverIn-game Currency

Level 4 Mission & Rewards

The level 4 missions are for players in the item level range 960 – 1100. Additionally, you must please Level Missions 1-3 before you have access to these.

MissionRewardsRewards Info
(2x) Clear Chaos Dungeon: Feiton [Shadow] with Aura5x Phoenix Plume
10x Major HP Potion (Bound)
3x Regulus’ Light Currency Chest
Battle Items and Silver
(3x) Complete Una’s Tasks [Daily]300x Destruction Stone
1500x Guardian Stone
Tier 2 Honing Materials
Raid Level 4: Harvest 2 Guardian Souls70x Life Leapstone (Bound)Tier 2 Honing Materials
Clear Gate of Paradise: Sea of Indolence20x Caldarr Fusion Material (Bound)Tier 2 Honing Materials
Clear Gate of Paradise: Tranquil Karkosa20x Caldarr Fusion Material (Bound)
20x Epic Combat Engraving Recipe Selection Chest
Tier 2 Honing Materials
Pick a purple Combat Engraving
Clear Gate of Paradise: Alaric’s Sanctuary25x Caldarr Fusion Material (Bound)
20x Epic Combat Engraving Recipe Selection Chest
Tier 2 Honing Materials
Pick a purple Combat Engraving
100% Complete Level 4 Express Missions1x Super Express Completion ChestLots of Tier 3 Goodies
Super Express Completion Chest Contents
1,000 Gold
1x Relic Rapport Selection Chest
3,000,000 Silver
20x Legendary – Rare Card Pack
10x Legendary – Epic Card Pack
3x Legendary Card Pack
1x Legendary Card Pack Selection Chest
3x Legendary Rapport Selection Chest
5x Unidentified Legendary Stone of Soaring
10x Sailing Coin Chest
20x Epic Class Engraving Selection Chest
20x Epic Battle Engraving Selection Chest
20x Growth Support Epic Accessory Chest
30x Creation Fragment
10,000 Raid Seal
10,000 Victory Seal
10,000 Adventuerer’s Seal
50x Honor Leapstone (Bound)
500x Destruction Stone Crystal (Bound)
1,500x Guardian Stone Crystal (Bound)

Bonus Rewards

The bonus missions are exactly that, a bonus for the players to earn more materials for Tier 1 and Tier 2 content. That means the suggested item level range is 302+.

MissionRewardsRewards Description
Clear Shadespire Floor 153x Entrance Ticket: Cube (Bound)
20x Harmony Shard Pouch (M)
Tier 1 Honing Materials
Clear Flatespire Floor 153x Entrance Ticket: Elite Cube (Bound)
5x Regulus’ Light Currency Chest
20x Life Shard Pouch (M)
In-game Currency
Tier 2 Honing Materials
Clear Boss Rush: Hall of Silence Level 920x Life Shard Pouch (M)Tier 2 Honing Materials
Clear [Normal] Cube with Gold or Better5x Regulus’ Light Currency Chest
20x Harmony Shard Pouch (M)
In-game Currency
Tier 1 Honing Materials
Clear [Elite] Cube with Gold or Better5x Regulus’ Light Currency Chest
20x Life Shard Pouch (M)
In-game Currency
Tier 2 Honing Materials
Clear Chaos Gate: Feiton1,000x Rift PieceMap Currency

In conclusion, that’s all for our Lost Ark Express Mission Guide. You now have all the resources you need to pick which character to use for this event. So, make sure to get out there and get those missions done before the event ends in June. Also, feel free to join our Studio Loot Discord and talk with us!