Crossbow - Daggers

Greatsword - Crossbow

Spear - Longbow

Spear - Dagger

Crossbow - Staff

Greatsword - Dagger

Longbow - Staff

Spear - Greatsword

Greatsword - Staff

Longbow - Dagger

Staff - Dagger

Spear - Staff

Sword & Shield - Greatsword

Sword & Shield - Spear

Sword and Shield - Dagger

Sword & Shield - Longbow

Sword and Shield - Wand

Update, Feb 24, 12:00 CET (06:00 EST): Servers are coming back online!

While we’ve all undoubtedly had a blast with the Lost Ark over the last few days, players will be forced to take a short break on February 24 for the upcoming maintenance. The game will see a few updates and Lost Ark will be down for around three hours.

Let’s take a look at the updates and the full details of the maintenance.

Lost Ark Servers To Be Down For Three Hour Maintenance 

Lost Ark is set to go down on Feb 24 at 09:00 CET (08:00 UTC, 03:00 EST) for 3-hour maintenance. The goal of the downtime is fixing issues, addressing Royal Crystal refunds, and adding Tier 2 Abyss Trade vendors.

We saw Lost Ark reach all-time highs in terms of concurrent players and while its great to see the game be so popular, it did lead the European region to struggle with queues and other bugs. Most notably, there have been Crystalline Aura issues, with it deactivating at certain times.

It is unfortunate that the game is going down, but at least it’s for a good cause. Hopefully, after the downtime, some key fixes will come in and we’ll have a slightly better game experience!

We also hope the downtime won’t be extended and we’ll all be able to jump right into the game after a short break. If anything does change, we’ll be sure to keep you updated! You can find the official downtime notes here.

Lost Ark Feb 24 Patch Notes

  • Fixed an issue where Royal Crystal refunds could get stuck pending when using the currency Exchange.
  • Fixed an issue where players were not receiving the effects of Crystalline Aura despite the system showing it as active.
  • Tier 2 Abyss Trade vendors are now available.
  • Fixed an issue where incorrect translations were being seen on load screens.
  • In our attendance event across all regions, the day 15 reward supplied a rapport item that was intended for higher item levels (1430). We have changed this reward for another rapport item that is more level appropriate. For players who have already claimed the day 15 item, this will be swapped out with the updated login reward during tonight’s maintenance.