Crossbow - Daggers

Greatsword - Crossbow

Spear - Longbow

Spear - Dagger

Crossbow - Staff

Greatsword - Dagger

Longbow - Staff

Spear - Greatsword

Greatsword - Staff

Longbow - Dagger

Staff - Dagger

Spear - Staff

Sword & Shield - Greatsword

Sword & Shield - Spear

Sword and Shield - Dagger

Sword & Shield - Longbow

Sword and Shield - Wand

Welcome to our Diablo 4 Barbarian Uniques Guide. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Barbarian’s class-specific Unique items and more.

What is a Unique item in Diablo 4?

A Unique item in Diablo 4 is the highest rarity and lowest drop chance item type in the game. As a result, each Unique has it’s own powerful one of a kind effect. Each class in Diablo 4 has their own specific Unique items. Players can equip as many Unique items as they want, unlike some other games.

Diablo 4 Barbarian Uniques Guide image

Unique items drop with a specific set of affixes. Another cool feature on the Unique items is the flavor text, giving us a peek into the lore. It should be noted however that Unique items only begin to drop once you have completed the campaign and entered World Tier 3 and 4.

Unique NameItem TypeEffectAffixes
Ancients’ Oath2-Handed Axe/WeaponSteel Grasp launches 2 additional chains. Enemies hit by Steel Grasp are Slowed by [55-65%] for 3 seconds.+Damage to Slowed Enemies
+Vulnerable Damage
+Damage while Berserking
+Ranks to Steel Grasp
Fields of Crimson2-Handed Sword/WeaponWhile using this weapon, damaging at least one enemy with Rupture creates a blood pool that inflicts X Bleeding Damage over 6 seconds. Enemies standing in the pool take 10% increased Bleeding damage.+Damage with Two-Handed Slashing Weapons
+Damage Over Time
+Cooldown Reduction for Rupture
+Ranks to Rupture
Hellhammer2-Handed Mace/WeaponUpheaval ignites the ground Burning enemies for an additional X damage over 3 seconds.+Damage with Two-Handed Bludgeoning Weapons
+Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies
+Damage to Burning Enemies
+Ranks to Upheaval
Overkill2-Handed Mace/WeaponDeath Blow creates a shockwave, dealing [16-30%] of its Base damage to enemies. Enemies who die to this effect also reset Death Blow’s Cooldown.+Damage to Injured Enemies
+Critical Strike Chance against Injured Enemies
+Damage on Elite Kill
+Ranks to Death Blow
Ramaladni’s Magnum Opus1-Handed Sword/WeaponSkills using this weapon deal [0.1-0.3%] increased damage per point of Fury you have, but you lose 2 Fury every second.+Damage with Dual-Wielded Weapons
+Damage to Close Enemies
+Physical Damage
+Lucky Hit: Up to a 5% Chance to Restore Primary Resource.
100,000 StepsBoots/ArmorAfter gaining the final damage bonus from the Walking Arsenal Key Passive, you automatically cast Ground Stomp and gain [32-50] Fury. This cannot happen more than once every 30 seconds.+Dexterity
+Damage When Swapping Weapons
+Damage to Stunned Enemies
+Ranks to Ground Stomp
Rage of HarrogathChest/ArmorLucky Hit: Up to a [20 -40%] chance to reduce the Cooldowns of your Non-Ultimate Skills by 1.5 seconds when you inflict Bleeding on Elites.+Physical Damage
+Physical Critical Strike Chance against Elites
+Damage Reduction from Bleeding Enemies
Gohr’s Devastating GripsGloves/ArmorWhirlwind explodes after it ends, dealing [16-26%] of the total Base damage dealt to surrounding enemies as Fire Damage.+Attack Speed
+Lucky Hit Chance
+Fury on Kill
+Ranks to Whirlwind
Battle TranceAmulet/JewelryIncrease Frenzy’s maximum stacks by 2.  While you have maximum Frenzy, your other Skills gain [10-20%] increased Attack Speed.+Basic Skill Damage
+Damage Reduction from Close Enemies
+Damage Reduction when Injured
+Ranks to Frenzy
AzurewrathSword/WeaponLucky Hit – Your Core Skills have up to a 20% chance to Freeze enemies for 3 seconds and deal 0.75-1.5 Cold damage to them.Coming Soon

General Unique Items

In Diablo 4, there is also a collection of Unique items that are available to any class that can use that item type!

Unique NameItem TypeEffectAffixes
The Butcher’s CleaverAxe/WeaponLucky Hit: When you Critically Strike an enemy you have up to a 100% chance to Fear and Slow them by [40-75%] for 4 seconds.+Damage to Crowd-Controlled Enemies
+Critical Strike Damage
+Critical Stirke Chance against Injured Enemies
+Damage to Injured Enemies
Doombringer1-Handed Sword/WeaponLucky Hit: Up to a [15-25%] chance to deal [X] Shadow Damage to surrounding enemies and reduce their damage done by 20% for 5 seconds.+Core Skill Damage
+Lucky Hit: Chance to Heal
+Maximum Life
The GrandfatherTwo-Handed Sword/WeaponIncreases your Critical Strike Damage by [60-100%]. The other properties of this weapon can roll higher than normal.+Damage
+Maximum Life
+All Stats
+Ignores Durability Loss
Fists of FateGloves/ArmorYour attacks randomly deal 1% to [200-300%] of their normal damage.+Lucky Hit: Chance to Heal
+Lucky Hit: Chance to Restore primary resource
+Lucky Hit: Immobilize Chance
+Lucky Hit: Daze Chance
FrostburnGloves/ArmorLucky Hit: Up to a [15-25%] chance to Freeze enemies for 2 seconds.+Critical Strike Chance
+Cold Damage
+Freeze Duration
+Lucky Hit: Chance to restore primary resource
Harlequin CrestHelmet/ArmorGain [10-20%] Damage Reduction. In addition, gain +4 ranks to all Skills.+Maximum Life
+Cooldown Reduction
+Crafting Material Find
+All Stats
Penitent GreavesBoots/ArmorYou leave behind a trail of frost that Chills enemies. You deal [7-10%] more damage to Chilled enemies.+Movement Speed
+Crowd Control Duration
+Reduced Duration of Enemy Slow
+Cold Resistance
RazorplateChest/ArmorGain [X] Thorns.Razorplate has no other Affixes.
TemerityLegs/ArmorEffects that Heal you beyond 100% Life grant you a Barrier up to [40-80%] of your Maximum Life that lasts for 8 seconds.+Potion Charges
+Potion Drop Rate
+Lucky Hit: Chance to Heal
Andariel’s VisageHelmet/ArmorLucky Hit: Up to a [15-20%] chance to trigger a poison nova that applies [X] Poisoning Damage over 5 seconds to enemies in the area.+All Stats
+Attack Speed
+Life Steal
+Poison Resistance
Melted Heart of SeligAmulet/JewelryGain +30% Maximum Resource. In addition, when you take damage, drain [3-6] Resource for every 1% of Life you would have lost instead.+All Stats
+Core Skill Damage
+Damage while Healthy
+Resource Regeneration
Mother’s EmbraceRing/JewelryIf a Core Skill hits 5 or more Enemies, [20-40%] of the Resource cost is refunded.+Critical Strike Chance
+Critical Strike Damage
+Overpower Damage
+Core Skill Damage
Ring of Starless SkiesRing/JewelryEach consecutive Core Skill cast reduces the Resource cost of your next Core Skill by [8-12%] up to a maximum of 40%.+All Stats
+Lucky Hit Chance
+Damage to Crowd-Controlled Enemies
+Core Skill Damage
Ahavarion Spear of LycanderStaff/Two-Handed WeaponGain a random Shrine effect for 10-20 seconds after killing an Elite enemy. Can only occur once every 30 seconds.Coming Soon

Other Class Unique Items

Each class in Diablo 4 has access to specific Unique items. Check out all the other class-specific Unique items here:

Diablo 4 Barbarian Uniques Guide Conclusion

This concludes our guide for Barbarian Uniques in Diablo 4! For more information on Diablo 4, including Class Builds and Guides, be sure to check out our Diablo 4 home page!