Crossbow - Daggers

Greatsword - Crossbow

Spear - Longbow

Spear - Dagger

Crossbow - Staff

Greatsword - Dagger

Longbow - Staff

Spear - Greatsword

Greatsword - Staff

Longbow - Dagger

Staff - Dagger

Spear - Staff

Sword & Shield - Greatsword

Sword & Shield - Spear

Sword and Shield - Dagger

Sword & Shield - Longbow

Sword and Shield - Wand

Welcome to our Diablo 4 Barbarian Aspects Guide. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Barbarian’s class-specific Aspects.

Diablo 4 barbarian aspects guide legendary image

Legendary Aspects

Legendary Aspects hold unique powers that can greatly alter your character’s abilities. Currently, Legendary Aspects can also be added through two main methods:

  • Aspects can be extracted from Legendary Items via the Occultist
  • First-time completion of specific Dungeons that also reward you with the Legendary Aspect via the Codex of Power

Below is a list of all known Barbarian-Specific Aspects in Diablo 4

AspectAspect TypePower DescriptionSourceSlot(s)
Aspect of Ancestral ChargeOffensiveCharge calls forth 4 Ancients who also Charge, dealing X% of normal damage.Specifically dropped on Legendary Items (Extracted)Amulets, Gloves, Rings, Weapons
Aspect of Ancestral EchoesOffensiveLucky Hit: Damaging enemies with Leap, Upheaval, or Whirlwind has up to a X% chance to summon an Ancient to perform the same Skill. Can only happen once every X secondsFound in Ancient Reservoir, Hawezar (Codex of Power)Amulets, Gloves, Rings, Weapons
Aspect of Ancestral ForceOffensiveHammer of the Ancients quakes outwards, dealing X% of its damage to enemiesFound in Sunken Ruins, Scosglen (Codex of Power)Amulets, Gloves, Rings, Weapons
Aspect of AnemiaUtilityLucky Hit: Direct damage against Bleeding enemies has up to a X% chance to Stun them for X secondsFound in Kor Dragan Barracks, Fractured Peaks (Codex of Power)Amulets, Boots, Chest, Gloves, Helm, Shield
Aspect of Berserk FuryResourceYou gain X Fury per second while BerserkingSpecifically dropped on Legendary Items (Extracted)Rings
Aspect of Berserk RippingOffensiveWhenever you deal direct damage while Berserking, inflict X% of the Base damage dealt as additional Bleeding damage over X secondsFound in Mournfield, Dry Steppes (Codex of Power)Amulets, Gloves, Rings, Weapons
Aspect of Bul-KathosDefensiveLeap creates an Earthquake that deals X Physical damage over X seconds. While standing in Earthquakes, you gain X% increased Damage ReductionFound in Light’s Refuge, Hawezar (Codex of Power)Amulets, Chest, Helm, Legs, Shield
Aspect of Burning RageOffensiveWhile Berserking, you deal X Fire damage every second to surrounding enemiesSpecifically dropped on Legendary Items (Extracted)Amulets, Gloves, Rings, Weapons
Aspect of Echoing FuryResourceYour Shout Skills generate X Fury per second while activeFound in Sirocco Caverns, Kehjistan (Codex of Power)Rings
Aspect of Encroaching WrathOffensiveAfter spending X Fury, your next Weapon Mastery Skill deals X% increased damageSpecifically dropped on Legendary Items (Extracted)Amulets, Gloves, Rings, Weapons
Aspect of Giant StridesResourceReduces the Cooldown of Leap by X seconds per enemy hit, up to a maximum of X secondsSpecifically dropped on Legendary Items (Extracted)Rings
Aspect of Grasping WhirlwindUtilityWhirlwind periodically Pulls enemies towards youSpecifically dropped on Legendary Items (Extracted)Amulets, Boots, Chest, Gloves, Helm, Shield
Aspect of Limitless RageOffensiveEach point of Fury you generate while at Maximum Fury grants your next Core Skill X% increased damage, up to X%Specifically dropped on Legendary Items (Extracted)Amulets, Gloves, Rings, Weapons
Aspect of Numbing WrathDefensiveEach point of Fury generated while at Maximum Fury grants X FortifyFound in Heathen’s Keep Hawezar (Codex of Power)Amulets, Chest, Helm, Legs, Shield
Aspect of Perpetual StompingMobilityDamaging an enemy with Kick or Ground Stomp resets Leap’s CooldownFound in Charnel House, Dry Steppes (Codex of Power)Amulets, Boots
Aspect of Tempering BlowsDefensiveAfter swapping weapons X times, gain X FortifyFound in Defiled Catacomb, Fractured Peaks (Codex of Power)Amulets, Chest, Helm, Legs, Shield
Aspect of the Dire WhirlwindOffensiveWhirlwind’s Critical Strike Chance is increased by X% for each second it is channeled, up to X%Found in Garan Hold, Scosglen (Codex of Power)Amulets, Gloves, Rings, Weapons
Aspect of the Iron WarriorDefensiveIron Skin grants Unstoppable, and X% Damage ReductionFound in Carrion Fields, Dry Steppes (Codex of Power)Amulets, Chest, Helm, Legs, Shield
Aspect of the Relentless ArmsmasterResourceGain X% increased Fury Generation while all damage bonuses from the Walking Arsenal Key Passive are activeFound in Calibel’s Mine, Scosglen (Codex of Power)Rings
Aspect of Unrelenting FuryResourceKilling an enemy or hitting a Boss enemy with a Core Skill refunds X% of its base Fury cost. Can only happen once per Skill castFound in Hallowed Ossuary, Fractured Peaks (Codex of Power)Rings
Battle-Mad AspectOffensiveGain Berserking for X seconds after swapping weapons X timesSpecifically dropped on Legendary Items (Extracted)Amulets, Gloves, Rings, Weapons
Bear Clan Berserker’s AspectResourceKilling an enemy while Berserking has a X% chance to grant X% increased Cooldown Reduction to your Brawling Skills for X secondsSpecifically dropped on Legendary Items (Extracted)Rings
Bold Chieftain’s AspectResourceWhenever you cast a Shout Skill, its Cooldown is reduced by X seconds per Nearby enemy, up to a maximum of X secondsSpecifically dropped on Legendary Items (Extracted)Rings
Brawler’s AspectOffensiveEnemies damaged by Kick or Charge will explode if they are killed within the next X seconds, dealing X damage to surrounding enemiesFound in Haunted Refuge, Hawezar (Codex of Power)Amulets, Gloves, Rings, Weapons
Death Wish AspectOffensiveGain X Thorns while BerserkingFound in Penitent Cairns, Scosglen (Codex of Power) Amulets, Gloves, Rings, Weapons
Devilish AspectOffensiveAfter generating X Fury your next Core Skill creates a Dust Devil that deals X damage to enemies behind the targetSpecifically dropped on Legendary Items (Extracted)Amulets, Gloves, Rings, Weapons
Dust Devil’s AspectOffensiveWhirlwind leaves behind Dust Devils that deal X damage to surrounding enemiesSpecifically dropped on Legendary Items (Extracted)Amulets, Gloves, Rings, Weapons
Earthquake AspectOffensiveGround Stomp creates an Earthquake damaging enemies for X Physical damage over X seconds. While standing in Earthquakes, you deal X% increased damageSpecifically dropped on Legendary Items (Extracted)Amulets, Gloves, Rings, Weapons
Earthstriker’s AspectOffensiveAfter swapping weapons X times, your next attack will Overpower and deal X% increased Overpower damageFound in Maugan’s Works, Hawezar (Codex of Power)Amulets, Gloves, Rings, Weapons
Iron Blood AspectDefensiveGain X% Damage Reduction for each Nearby Bleeding enemy up to X% maximumFound in Forgotten Ruins, Kehjistan (Codex of Power)Amulets, Chest, Helm, Legs, Shield
Luckbringer AspectUtilityGain X% increased Lucky Hit Chance while all damage bonuses from the Walking Arsenal Key Passive are activeSpecifically dropped on Legendary Items (Extracted)Amulets, Boots, Chest, Gloves, Helm, Shield
Relentless Berserker’s AspectUtilityLucky Hit: Damaging an enemy with a Core Skill has up to a X% chance to extend the duration of Berserking by X second. Double this duration if it was a Critical StrikeFound in Haken’s Refuge, Kehjistan (Codex of Power)Amulets, Boots, Chest, Gloves, Helm, Shield
Skullbreaker’s AspectOffensiveStunning a Bleeding enemy deals X% of their total Bleeding amount to them as Physical damageSpecifically dropped on Legendary Items (Extracted)Amulets, Gloves, Rings, Weapons
Slaking AspectResourceLucky Hit: Up to an X% chance to gain X Fortify whenever you deal direct damage while BerserkingFound in Maulwood, Fractured Peaks (Codex of Power)Rings
Steadfast Berserker’s AspectDefensiveLucky Hit: Up to a X% chance to gain X Fortify whenever you deal direct damage while BerserkingSpecifically dropped on Legendary Items (Extracted)Amulets, Chest, Helm, Legs, Shield
Veteran Brawler’s AspectOffensiveEach time a Core Skill deals direct damage to an enemy, your next Charge or Leap deals X% increased damage, up to X%Found in Heretic’s Asylum, Kehjistan (Codex of Power)Amulets, Gloves, Rings, Weapons
Weapon Master’s AspectUtilityYour Weapon Mastery Skills have an additional Charge. Lucky Hit: Damaging an enemy with a Weapon Mastery Skill has up to a X% chance to Stun them for X secondsSpecifically dropped on Legendary Items (Extracted)Amulets, Boots, Chest, Gloves, Helm, Shield
Windlasher AspectOffensiveCasting Double Swing twice within X seconds creates a Dust Devil that deals X damage to enemies behind the targetSpecifically dropped on Legendary Items (Extracted)Amulets, Gloves, Rings, Weapons

Best Way to Obtain Aspects From The Purveyor

Below is the best way to obtain each specific type of Aspect from the Purveyor for the Barbarian Class. Special thanks to Don the Crown for the Info.

Best Gambling Option
Offensive (Barbarian/Rogue)One-handed Weapon

Other Legendary Aspects

Each class in Diablo 4 has access to specific Legendary Aspects. Additionally, there are general Aspects that all classes can use. Check out all the other Class-Specific Aspects and general Aspects here:

Diablo 4 Legendary Aspects Guide Conclusion

This concludes our guide for Barbarian Aspects in Diablo 4! For more information on Diablo 4, including Class Builds and Guides, be sure to check out our Diablo 4 home page!