The Second Level 3 Lost Ark Guardian Raid boss you’ll battle is Helgaia. You will need to be Item level 840 to enter the Helgaia Guardian Raid. Helgaia is a fast attacking, evolving phoenix with a BURN STACK mechanic. Find out how to take him down in our Lost Ark...
What are Lost Ark Abyssal Dungeons Abyssal Dungeons are weekly content that is a hybrid between Chaos Dungeons and Guardian Raids. In this guide we’ll go over Lost Ark Abyssal Dungeons and how to unlock them. You are required to party up with other players for...
Greetings adventurer and welcome to our Lost Ark World Tree Leaves guide. We will certainly guide you through everything you need to know about the World Tree Leaves, from collecting them to obtaining your rewards. What Are Lost Ark World Tree Leaves Lost Ark World...
The First Level 3 Lost Ark Guardian Raid boss you’ll battle is Dark Legoros. You will need to be Item level 802 to enter the Dark Legoros Guardian Raid. Find out how to take him down in our Lost Ark Dark Legoros Guardian Raid Guide. USEFUL ITEMS TO BRING –...
The Fourth and Final Level 2 Lost Ark Guardian Raid boss you’ll battle is Tytalos. You will need to be Item level 640 to enter the Tytalos Guardian Raid. Find out how to take him down in our Lost Ark Tytalos Guardian Raid Guide. Tytalos Guardian Raid Mechanics...
Greetings and welcome to our Lost Ark Mokoko Seeds guide. Where we will go over everything you will need to know about Mokoko Seed hunting and the rewards for obtaining these seeds. What are Lost Ark Mokoko Seeds If you are not already familiar, Mokoko Seeds are a one...