Every MMO now days have some kind of raiding system. Lost Ark being the MMO that it is also has a Raid system for the players. But its not same as you would expect from other MMOs. Today we are going to address how Lost Ark raids work. Lost Ark is broken into two...
Today we will be going over our Lost Ark Dungeon Guide and addressing how these dungeons work in game. Dungeons are a major aspect of Lost Ark, so lets dig into “How do Lost Ark Dungeons Work?”. How Do Lost Ark Dungeons Work? Lost Ark dungeons aren’t all...
As we all know, Lost Ark is finally heading to the west with a Fall release planned. While we’re all anxiously awaiting news of the beta and dreaming of playing, some of us may still be wondering: How do I pick my class? Honestly, it’s a good and fair question. With...
Much like any MMO, leveling is a vital part of Lost Ark. By leveling up you slowly progress your character and slowly learn your new skills. In this short guide, we will help you figure out the best way to level up to level 50. Thankfully, the process is actually...
Welcome to our Lost Ark Beginners Guide, where we will look at the things you will want to know before playing Lost Ark. Even if you are not a new player, there maybe something you can learn from this guide! You Can’t Change the Camera Angle Lost Ark features an...
Fans of Lost Ark are very eagerly awaiting the launch of the upcoming MMO and while there’s no update in terms of a release date, or even a date for the Lost Ark beta (sadly), we have gotten an extra bit of info about the testing periods. We’ve already had one...