Welcome to our Lost Ark Sharpshooter guide! We’ll cover everything you need to know about playing the class in PvE content. Coming in as a Gunner advanced class, the Sharpshooter is your go-to option for long-ranged combat, as well as using a bow. It’s the only...
Welcome to our Lost Ark Artillerist guide! We’ll cover everything you need to know about playing the class in PvE content. The Artillerist is a Gunner advanced class, specializing in heavy attacks with its massive heavy launcher gun. The class is all about AoE...
Welcome to our Lost Ark Scrapper guide! Here you can find everything you need to know about playing the class in Lost Ark PvE content. Scrapper is the ‘heavy’ option for Martial Artists. It uses two giant gloves as weapons and is focused on slow, powerful hits,...
Welcome to our Lost Ark Soulfist guide! In this guide, we’ll be covering one of the most unique classes (if not the most unique!) in Lost Ark. The Soulfist is a Martial Artist advanced class, but one that differs from the rest. It focuses on an interesting mix...
Welcome to our Lost Ark Striker guide! Here you can find everything you need to know about playing the class in Lost Ark PvE content. Striker is a Martial Artist advanced class and it is the male version of the Wardancer. This means the two classes are similar...
Welcome to our Lost Ark Shadowhunter guide! We’ll cover everything you need to know coming into the game as the Assassin advanced class. Despite a stereotype of Assassin’s being stealthy characters, Lost Ark’s Shadowhunter is anything but. The class focuses on...