Lost Ark is fast approaching western shores, launching on February 8 (or February 11, for those without a Founder’s Pack). As excited as we are to play the game, sometimes that just won’t be possible and then there’ll be nothing better than firing up a Twitch stream...
With Lost Ark fast approaching it’s February release, it’s time to finally make a decision about the Founder’s Pack. Will you be getting one? If so, which one is the best choice? It’s a hard decision, but don’t worry, we’ll help you pick out the best Lost Ark...
One of Lost Ark’s many unique systems is the Stronghold. This is a private island given to every player, where you can upgrade and unlock new things. There’s quite a lot to it and your Stronghold makes up a decent chunk of Lost Ark gameplay, so let’s take a look at it...
One of the many things that make Lost Ark an amazing game is its depth. There are a ton of small little things that you can spend your time doing. One of these is building your card deck to give your character a touch of extra power. Find out how these work in our...
Lost Ark Gear Progression is the post 50 way to progress your character in Lost Ark. The higher your gear score gets, the more activities will become available to you to help progress your gear score. Before we get into each tier’s individual progression,...
Lost Ark features an in-depth gearing system, including some time-consuming progression and a vital upgrade system. With the Lost Ark item upgrade system, you can make your items massively more powerful by using honing materials from endgame content. You can upgrade...