The Lost Ark team has posted a preview of the first Abyss Raid: Argos. This raid is part of the March update. Heroes, Arkesia needs your help. The recent events in Punika have caused an ancient threat to arise – the traitorous Guardian Argos. Five-hundred years...
Boasting a “Wealth of Content” in the waiting, Lost Ark announced the New March Content Update including the following new features! Story Episode – Kadan This Includes a New Story line with quests, cinematics and new Islands to explore! Players will...
Update, Feb 24, 12:00 CET (06:00 EST): Servers are coming back online! While we’ve all undoubtedly had a blast with the Lost Ark over the last few days, players will be forced to take a short break on February 24 for the upcoming maintenance. The game will see a few...
There’s more free stuff on the menu for Lost Ark fans coming up this weekend! As a part of the game’s Legends Of Lost Ark Celebration, we’ll once again be able to obtain items by watching on Twitch. Let’s take a look at the dates and how it all works. Legends Of Lost...
Lost Ark has a ton of exciting endgame activities to keep things fresh while grinding item level. One of these is the Tower, a series of challenges on different floors. All of which, will provide amazing rewards! Let’s take a look at it with our Lost Ark Tower guide....
Lost Ark is a game full of all types of different endgame activities and currencies. Pirate Coins play a large part in island travel and Lost Ark’s Naval content. In this guide, we’ll talk about how to earn Lost Ark’s Pirate Coins and what they are...