Lost Ark Masterpieces Lost Ark Masterpieces are collectible items in the game. An ancient artwork stolen from the artistic city of Pleccia long ago. Players can find Masterpieces scattered worldwide, and can obtain them by doing quests, Secret Map Dungeons,...
Hello everyone and welcome to our Lost Ark Glaivier PVP Guide! Here you will see the best PVP Stats, Skills, Builds and Gameplay! Are you a fan of being a flashy, hard hitting combo Queen? With the ability to switch stances for powerful attacks? Look no further with...
The First Raid Level 2 Lost Ark Guardian Raid boss you’ll encounter is Chromanium. You will need to be Item level 460 to enter the Chromanium Guardian Raid. Find out how to take him down in our Lost Ark Chromanium Guardian Raid Guide. USEFUL ITEMS TO BRING –...
The Fourth Raid Level 1 Lost Ark Guardian Raid boss you’ll face is Vertus. You will need to be Item level 420 to face Vertus. Find out how to take him down in our Lost Ark Vertus Guardian Raid Guide. USEFUL ITEMS TO BRING – Destruction Bombs and Whirlwind...
The Third Lost Ark Guardian Raid boss you’ll face is Icy Legoros. He is an Icy Lizard with horns. You will need to be Item level 380 to face Icy Legoros. Find out how to take him down in our Lost Ark Icy Legoros Guide. Icy Legoros Boss Mechanics...
The Second Lost Ark Guardian Raid boss you’ll face is Lumerus. He is a white Liger with Astral Estetic. You will need to be Item level 340 to face Lumerus. Find out how to take him down in our Lost Ark Lumerus Guide. Lumerus Boss Mechanics Slash – Lumerus...