What are Berries in Ark Berries in Ark are consumables that you can gather from bushes and foliage. In order to gather the berries you need to press the default key of “E” on a keyboard when you’re near a bush to gather them. Gathering the plants...
What are Tranquilizer Arrows in Ark Tranquilizer arrows in Ark are used for rendering creatures unconscious. You would want to do this in order to tame the creature. Tranquiller arrows deal less damage than a stone arrow, but they increase your target’s Torpor....
Introduction In this guide you’ll learn how to tame a Dinosaur in Ark. Creatures in Ark can be tamed and used for many different purposes and can greatly improve your chances of survival. You can utilize a tamed animal for a mount, storage, transporting items,...
Ark Beginner’s Guide Introduction If you are completely new to Ark this Ark Beginner’s guide will help guide you with your start. The first time you spawn in can be very overwhelming. Once you make it over the survival hump of the game things become much...
Server Rules This is a StudioLoot Ark Server. This is a community server. The purpose is for you and everyone else to have fun! We are not trying to be overly sweaty. Please be respectful to everyone and have a good time. Causing issues will result in removal from the...