Crossbow - Daggers

Greatsword - Crossbow

Spear - Longbow

Spear - Dagger

Crossbow - Staff

Greatsword - Dagger

Longbow - Staff

Spear - Greatsword

Greatsword - Staff

Longbow - Dagger

Staff - Dagger

Spear - Staff

Sword & Shield - Greatsword

Sword & Shield - Spear

Sword and Shield - Dagger

Sword & Shield - Longbow

Sword and Shield - Wand


The Cleric is the only pure healing class in Ashes of Creation. Learn everything we know so far about the skills, classes, and more in our Ashes of Creation Cleric Guide

General Information

The Cleric Class is centered around group support and healing. At this time, Players who choose the Cleric as their Primary Class will be the only players who can heal group members. Using Cleric as your secondary class will have augmented abilities that grant self-healing but will be limited to the amount of healing. Below are some more facts we know about the Cleric class.

  • The Cleric will have both single target and AOE healing.
  • Some Cleric abilities will be able to over-heal and grant over-shields to allies.
  • Along with healing, Clerics will be able to provide multiple types of protection to allies
  • Clerics will also have Damage dealing abilities available to them.
  • Clerics gain their power from “The Essence”
  • Players can not heal enemy Mobs.
  • Other Classes in Ashes of Creation might have abilities that can debuff healing received.

Cleric Classes

In Ashes of Creation, once you choose your main class, you will get to choose a secondary class that will augment your skills and abilities to create a whole new subclass. Below are the names of the Subclasses for Cleric and what class you’ll choose to become them.

ClericClericHIgh Priest
ClericRogueShadow Disciple


Next, let’s look at the Skill for the Cleric in Ashes of Creation. As a note, Ashes of Creation is still in development and Abilities are subject to chance. We will keep this page update with any changes!

Active Abilities

BarrierImbues your target’s weapon with radiant light, causing each weapon combo attack to deal additional radiant damage and applying a mana regeneration buff to the caster. Each hit extends the duration of the mana regeneration buff, up to a maximum of 15 seconds. Has a 10% chance to proc bonus radiant damage and apply a stack of Burning to the target.
Bless WeaponImbues your target’s weapon with radiant light, causing each weapon combo attack to deal additional radiant damage and applying a mana regeneration buff to the caster. Each hit extends the duration of the mana regeneration buff, up to a maximum of 15 seconds. Has a 10% chance to proc bonus radiant damage and apply a stack of Burning to the target.
CastigationLashes your target with Holy energy whip, dealing direct damage and restoring health and mana to yourself over time.
Chains of RestraintCall forth spectral chains in a target area that stagger enemies within or stun enemies already under the staggered effect, then leave behind an area that deals radiant damage each second over 8 seconds.
Communal RestorationRestore health to all party members in range instantly, plus additional healing over time. Allies under the HoT also receive +10% maximum health for its duration. This can overheal.
CondemnStun Target enemy for 3 seconds.
Consecrating WaveSend forth a cone of radiance that deals radiant damage to all enemies while healing the ten nearest allies.
Defiant LightHeal target ally for 50% of their maximum health over 10 seconds. If that target would receive fatal damage while under this effect, this effect is consumed and prevents that target’s death, healing them for 25% of their maximum health instead.
DeliveranceHeal target ally for 50% of their maximum health over 10 seconds. If that target receives fatal damage while under this effect, this effect is consumed and prevents that target’s death, healing them for 25% of their maximum health instead.
DevotionLaunch an orb of energy into the air that will fall upon your target, healing them.
Divine CensureHurls a radiant spear at the target, dealing damage.
Divine FlarePlace a targeted area heal on the ground that heals all targets within after several seconds. Total healing is split between all targets hit
Divine InfusionConsume Divine Power to instantly complete the remaining cast time of any healing spell currently being cast. The amount of Divine Power consumed is proportional to the amount of cast time remaining upon activation.
Divine LightHeals your target with a flash of light. Reduces the cooldown of Devotion and Radiant Burst
Divine FormIf your focus is at 80%, use this skill to increase heals and damage of your skills by 25% for 8 seconds. Applies an AoE heal over time to friends and damage over time to enemies. Pulse AoE heal and damage around the caster.
Flash CoreInstantly heal target ally. This may be used during other ability activations.
Healing TouchHeal target ally in melee range for a large amount of health.
JudgmentCast a heal on target ally for a large amount of health. If this is cast on an enemy, it instead deals radiant damage to the target and applies 2 stacks of Burning.
MendInstantly launch a healing projectile toward target ally. Each charge of this ability consumed after the first has no mana cost, and restores an increasing amount of mana to the caster based on the number of missing charges. Consecutive uses of the ability will gain bonus healing.
Radiant BurstHeals allies around you in a wide area for a large amount. Stacks up to 3 times.
RegenerationBathe your target with restorative energy that heals them over time.
Resplendent BeamHeld ability: Fire a beam of healing energy toward a target ally. Charging this spell allows the beam to bounce to up to 5 additional friendly targets closest to the original target, based on how long it was charged. The amount of healing is reduced for each subsequent target.
ResurrectionResurrects a dead ally with 25% health and 15% mana.
SmiteSmite your target, dealing instant damage and applying a stack of Burning to target enemy. Has no cast time and deals increased damage if activated within melee range of the target. This attack always critically hits on targets under the effect of Condemn.
Soothing Glow
Apply a healing over time effect to target ally. Reapplying this effect extends its duration on the target by its base duration value.
Wings of SalvationSprout phoenix-like wings and leap to target ally, then grant a small amount of temporary health to that target on arrival. An ally is defined as any non-combatant player or non-mob NPC.
Images are from

Passive Abilities

Cooldown ReductionReduce the chance of being disabled by crowd control effects by 10%.
Critical Hit RateIncrease the chance for damage and healing abilities to critically hit by 5%.
Defense Mitigation
Increase defense mitigation by 4.
Disable DefenseReduce chance of being disabled by crowd control effects by 10%.
Health RegenerationGenerate an additional 1.5% of your maximum health per second.
Increased Healing Increase healing done by 10%.
Mana RegenerationGenerate an additional 1% of your maximum mana per second.
Maximum HealthIncrease maximum health by 75.
Maximum ManaIncrease maximum mana by 100.
Movement SpeedIncrease movement speed by 5%.
Images are from

Ashes of Creation Cleric Guide Conclusion

That concludes the guide! For more Ashes of Creation content, check out our Ashes of Creation home page!